Room Themes

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #823702


    Hi all WW players, I just got a Webkinz Silversoft cat. I am stuck on what room theme to make however. What room theme would fit a boy cat and has some grey pieces and no pink? It also needs to have a bed! If you have any suggestions PLMK!-Atomton

    1. #824840


      Df, a superbed would be great! This will be pet 32 so I don’t get one. I believe I have like 6 superbeds, but I might have trade 1 or sold 1 when I was newer to the site? Any one you send would be appreciated. Which one would fit into like a coffee them, or something different! I was thinking of clouds, coffee, beachouse, or wizard? What do you think. Maybe wizard would be cool! Yeah I will do wizard! Thank you!-Atom

    2. #824839


      Ok, Jami that would be great. I believe we are friends already! Is there any thing else you need? DF, I think the coffee theme maybe? I need help decorating rooms but didn’t download the pet yet! I download one every few weeks so my account gets extended. Jami, I am sure the old timey stove and fridge would fit in perfectly! Thank you for your help so far. Peace be with you-Atom

    3. #824500


      the silversoft cat likes to cook and comes with a nice kitchen counter that would look good with the old timey stove and icebox in the farm theme at the wwstore. i have some extra pieces from that theme that i can send you….jami

      • #824879


        Hi jami, I have a lot of that theme also. Hey jami was that your pet “hiding” in the big pumpkin chair at Atoms party??? LOL It took me a long time to figure out who else was in the room at the first party. DF

        • #825287


          Hi DF, in my first party it was me, you, cuddly106, and maricris, I believe. I think it was maricris hiding behind the chair but I am not sure. I know I invited Jami, but that was who was there. -Atom

        • #825664


          yes, that was me, the Night Mare named Cosmarula…..i didn’t make it to the others because my computer froze up!! i have been communicating with Crissy and I’m going to make a map of her house.. ..i’m sorry if i overwhelmed you at my house the other night.. i just seldom have a chance to show my rooms to anyone….jami

    4. #824378


      Hi DF, thanks so much for posting! Peace be with you!-Atom

      • #824482


        Hi atom, I think my friend designer needs a little break, she just did an entire account for crissy135. So I will help you make your pet room, just think about what kind of room you want. I will be happy to help. TTYL DF

    5. #824368


      Hi atom I will ask my bff designer girl to help you. She is the best and featured on The Best Forum Ever. I have that pet, but it’s a girl and she has a superfan room. LMK if you need a superbed for your cat, after you get some design advice. DF

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