Sail Cap and White Ears for trade!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Sail Cap and White Ears for trade!!!

This topic contains 94 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Arcticmonkeys 12 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #660404

    Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-08-31 at 05:02 PM

    Hi! I need only priceless/sail clothes, Thanks!!!

    Would you take Orange Army for one of those?


    1. #663215

      AguariaKee wrote on 2012-09-05 at 07:12 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-09-05 at 07:01 PM

      AguariaKee wrote on 2012-09-05 at 06:29 PM
      Arcticmonkeys- Hi, I logged in my account today but I didnt get the package…are you positive you sent it?

      You are emio12 (or something similar to that) Right?

      Yes, but I didn’t get it. Did you send it to a different user possibly..? It wasn’t in my inbox when I logged in…

      No, I know for sure I sent it to your user. I am OCD (not literally though haha) about those kind of things. I really do always check that i am sending to the right person. I certainly don’t have those items in my dock anymore…. so…

    2. #663159

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-09-06 at 12:01 AM

      can i also offer for the sail hat? i have sea captin hat, estore psi,safari hat,slips and infant. i don’t have lots to offer, the best offer would be sea captin hat or estore…
      i also have signature psi or normal psi

      If ArcticMonkeys doesn’t need your Sea Captin Hat, can I offer?


    3. #663122

      can i also offer for the sail hat? i have sea captin hat, estore psi,safari hat,slips and infant. i don’t have lots to offer, the best offer would be sea captin hat or estore…

      i also have signature psi or normal psi

    4. #663014


      ok, it looks like my last list didn’t go through, so here it is again, sorry if this posts twice :-)

      Cloud Control Station (estore)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (sig)
      Fine Dining Table (sig)
      Cozy Canopy Bed (sig)
      Mud Wallow Hot Spring (sig)
      Flock Watchtower (sig)
      Country Sensation Stage (sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (sig)
      Frozen Fountain (sig)
      Cocoa Cafe Booth (sig)
      Northern Research Igloo (sig)
      Puppy Patrol Station (sig)

      Let me know if anything interests you :-)

    5. #662989


      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-09-05 at 07:11 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-09-05 at 07:01 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-09-05 at 06:13 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-09-05 at 05:42 PM
      Arcticmonkeys, do you still have your sail cap for trade? :-)

      Yes, I do :)

      Ok, What would you like for it? The priceless I have for trade right now are burger and wacky but I also have an estore and several signatures I could add to either of them for the cap if you’re interested :-)

      Hmm, I am kind of interested in your burger… Which estore and signature PSI did you have? :) PLMK

      ok, here’s my PSI list:
      Cloud Control Station (estore)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (sig)
      Fine Dining Table (sig)
      Cozy Canopy Bed (sig)
      Mud Wallow Hot Spring (sig)
      Flock Watchtower (sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (sig)
      Country Sensation Stage (sig)
      Frozen Fountain (sig)
      Northern Research Igloo (sig)
      Puppy Patrol Command Station (sig)
      Cocoa Cafe Booth (sig)
      Let me know if any of these interest you :-)

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