Sail Cap and White Ears for trade!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Sail Cap and White Ears for trade!!!

This topic contains 94 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Arcticmonkeys 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #660404

    Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-08-31 at 05:02 PM

    Hi! I need only priceless/sail clothes, Thanks!!!

    Would you take Orange Army for one of those?


    1. #660892


      minigummybears wrote on 2012-09-01 at 02:57 PM

      AguariaKee wrote on 2012-08-31 at 07:01 PM
      I can offer lily pad dress and burger for the sail cap maybe…PLMK. As for white ears, I can do wacky or witch(add).

      sorry about this but ……….. what type of burger is the burger !? gummy~

      Hi there, she’s my friend, and I’m pretty sure that she has the promo burger costume :)

    2. #660891

      AguariaKee wrote on 2012-08-31 at 07:01 PM

      I can offer lily pad dress and burger for the sail cap maybe…PLMK. As for white ears, I can do wacky or witch(add).

      sorry about this but ……….. what type of burger is the burger !? gummy~

    3. #660888

      hey artcicmonkies! would you do orange army and either the emerald tv psi (estore) or the signature mansion( I forgot the name) or maybe I can do all three LMK :)

    4. #660887


      Kittensrule-if you and Arcticmonkeys don’t trade, I have the cheerleader outfit as well :)

    5. #660883


      kittensrule wrote on 2012-09-01 at 01:33 PM

      AguariaKee wrote on 2012-09-01 at 10:20 AM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-09-01 at 08:01 AM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-31 at 11:17 PM

      Arcticmonkeys wrote on 2012-08-31 at 08:01 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-31 at 06:47 PM
      I have scuba flippers if you need them

      Hi there i do kind of need scuba flippers, but you would have to add for either item…

      hmm i need the sail cap the most…let me look through my clothes and i will get back to you :] Thnx

      Haha, Ok

      I also have flippers…lol, I could add that to the sal cap instead of the signature or estore too. LMK

      Wait! I was the first to offer flippers! :( so if we dont trade then you can ok?…..

      Yes of course! :) Didn’t mean to interrupt, I will surely wait.

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