Salute the Busy Beaver

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Salute the Busy Beaver

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  TennesseeFrogs2 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #798419

    Last weekend, the Beaver was retired. So as I did with the Red Panda, I am here to write about the busy Beaver. The Beaver is one of hardest working Webkinz, as he cuts down more and more trees to make his lodge bigger and better. But, when he is taking a break, he enjoys hanging out with friends. The Beaver was released in February of 2010 and has now been retired here in August of 2013. Over a three and a half year release for another great Webkinz. I am proud to say that my sister and I also both own a Beaver and they are great pals.

    1. #799885

      Ok it posted, good, lol. Please add your comments about the beaver!

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