~~~~~Santa’s Trading List~~~~~~ Can you help me? :D

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~~~~~Santa’s Trading List~~~~~~ Can you help me? :D

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  imSanta 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #738542


    Hey everyone!!!! Here is my trading list. PLMK if you have any of this, and we can work out a fair trade. I need: swirl tiara, melody hat, cat pants and cat hat, adventure park white wings, scuba belt ( i need it badly for my friend), any promo, hula top, diamond gemster, any slides, poncho’s sombrero & poncho, emo jeans, sail dress, white ears, plumpy glasses, and army. THANKS!!!! :D

    1. #738819


      hey santa, do you owe me for the account?

      • #740349


        Idk!!! SORRY!!! Was i supposed to????

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