SEND ME! Wishlist! I might send back!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives SEND ME! Wishlist! I might send back!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  belle81502 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #769181


    HI! its AUTUMNLEAVES and i have a wish list of items u might have and want to get rid of! you can send ANY gift to me if u want, and i might send something back! i’ll randomly chose someone to send back to, but i send everyone a thank-you! here are a list of things i want: martian costume, bakers apron, party hat, jumbleberries, sugerberries, zingos and zangos stuff, party packs, coupons, kinstyle outlet secret specials, and storage. my username: CheesyBurgerXD. have a good day in webkinz world!

    1. #771946


      i have some berries, party packs, coupons, storage, and kinzstyle secrets if you want them tell me and i will send

      • #771948


        and i am already your friend i think oh wait yes i am

    2. #771178


      are you deluxe because i would like any of the deluxe dresses OH AND MY USERNAME IS :EstherJared3

    3. #770343


      thx, friends2day! here are some more thing i like: fairy charm outfit pieces, zumwhere items, mazin hamster items, mega stove, webkinz fans stuff, thinking chair, tvs, pet items, expensive deluxe dresses and skirts, and other cool unwanted stuff. thanks everyone! today i sent a gift back to: friend2day. btw, sorry berries can’t be sent, silly me! :P see ya! :D :D :D :D :D :D

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