Signature PSI trading

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Signature PSI trading

This topic contains 48 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  guest112232 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #643500


    I like your slide and I have a signature fortune telling table

    1. #643748


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-05 at 12:24 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-05 at 03:32 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 11:45 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:15 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:12 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:07 PM
      hey guys…..i have sig tuxedo cat psi PLMK of you need it….thnx

      What would you like for the tux cat PSI??? LMK :D

      hey NB! I need small priceless (or maybe deluxe clothes lol) PLMK if you don’t have any for trade and i will think of something else lolz!

      Hi again KR :D
      I don’t have any priceless :( I do have a couple extras on deluxe clothing….off the top of my head I have the 4th of july hat (it is SO cute lol), the asian head dress, umm pj collie shirt, fred rover blazer (is this deluxe??) ummm sunflower bonnet….if you’re interested let me know, if you need me to post another list, I can do that too :D

      Hey nuttybuddy, if the person you are offering those clothing items isn’t interested, what would you like for your pj collie shirt? PLMK,

      Hey there Aqua :D
      Offer away, I am mostly looking for clothing….like older clothing :D Really super duper looking for a purple ball cap but no one has it LOL :D

      What about 10,000 estore points for my slide

    2. #643746


      Hey guys! I have a northern nights bed and i need pricless clothes!!


    3. #643743


      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-05 at 12:43 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 11:45 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:15 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:12 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:07 PM
      hey guys…..i have sig tuxedo cat psi PLMK of you need it….thnx

      What would you like for the tux cat PSI??? LMK :D

      hey NB! I need small priceless (or maybe deluxe clothes lol) PLMK if you don’t have any for trade and i will think of something else lolz!

      Hi again KR :D
      I don’t have any priceless :( I do have a couple extras on deluxe clothing….off the top of my head I have the 4th of july hat (it is SO cute lol), the asian head dress, umm pj collie shirt, fred rover blazer (is this deluxe??) ummm sunflower bonnet….if you’re interested let me know, if you need me to post another list, I can do that too :D

      hmmmmmm……what sig. psi do you have? Or any estore psi? i apreciate it, thanks :)

      Hey KR :)

      For signatures, I believe I have cat nip gazebo, hand bag bed, golden/honey waterfall and perhaps one more but I cant remember. If you like one of those, please let me know, if you would like me to log in and get you a better list, I can do that :D


    4. #643740


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-05 at 03:32 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 11:45 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:15 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:12 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-08-04 at 10:07 PM
      hey guys…..i have sig tuxedo cat psi PLMK of you need it….thnx

      What would you like for the tux cat PSI??? LMK :D

      hey NB! I need small priceless (or maybe deluxe clothes lol) PLMK if you don’t have any for trade and i will think of something else lolz!

      Hi again KR :D
      I don’t have any priceless :( I do have a couple extras on deluxe clothing….off the top of my head I have the 4th of july hat (it is SO cute lol), the asian head dress, umm pj collie shirt, fred rover blazer (is this deluxe??) ummm sunflower bonnet….if you’re interested let me know, if you need me to post another list, I can do that too :D

      Hey nuttybuddy, if the person you are offering those clothing items isn’t interested, what would you like for your pj collie shirt? PLMK,

      Hey there Aqua :D

      Offer away, I am mostly looking for clothing….like older clothing :D Really super duper looking for a purple ball cap but no one has it LOL :D


    5. #643596


      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 09:46 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-04 at 09:40 PM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-04 at 09:09 PM
      Hey everyone you can trade signature psi here I have nutty belt, golden glide waterslide, and peek a boo pond

      what would you want for the waterslide? I think the sigs I have are catnip gazebo, handbag bed, golden waterfall and one other that I can not think of right now LOL :D LMK

      NB I really need estore points so I need 10,000 estore points could we do that for my slide

      What do you think 10,000 estore points for the slide

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