SIgnature Timber Wolf psi for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives SIgnature Timber Wolf psi for trade

This topic contains 20 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  alpineleopard 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #737942

    I have a howling ridge for trade I traded a lot for it so I would need a good offer preferably merry melodies hat, plumpy, or white rabbit ears thanks :)

    1. #738977

      Btw I need Melody the most with forest making a close second :)

    2. #739002

      Alpine, sorry to bring this up but would you still like to trade? My posts on my other forum are not coming up and its very slow. But PLMKSNOL

      • #739217

        Of course my posts are coming in slow ,the forums have been a bit backed up :)

    3. #738781


      I have a Samoyed PSI Frozen Pond or a Chocolate Lab Cocoa Basket Bed PSI. Both are long-retired and quite high in value, does either one of those interest you?

      • #738942

        I have both of those sorry i’m looking for clothing mostly :)

    4. #738514


      I am interested but I dont have the things on the list sorry. Anything else you want?

      • #738883

        I also like licorice dress, and the webkinz friends forest dress :)

    5. #738393

      Hi anyone interested? :)

      • #738821

        I also have a lava bed and fairy high council throne :)

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