SIgnature Timber Wolf psi for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives SIgnature Timber Wolf psi for trade

This topic contains 20 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  alpineleopard 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #737942

    I have a howling ridge for trade I traded a lot for it so I would need a good offer preferably merry melodies hat, plumpy, or white rabbit ears thanks :)

    1. #740056

      Alpine, oh no not you too! LOL. I’ve been getting pumled by “Happy birthday’s” ALOT today. :O Today’s my B-day. Thank you so much! Would you be interested in Lion feet? My BFF is here right now so i’ll make a list for you tomorrow. Sound good? PLMKSNOL ~Be the fudge! :D (Sorry to make such a fuss. Thanks for the birthday song! :D )

      • #740171

        Thanks so much for the great trade you are one the best people to trade with :)

    2. #739637

      Alpine, i’m sure its just taking to long for it to come through, but can you respond? Again i probably won’t be on much tomorow so you may have to get me on Saturday. Laters!

      • #740001

        I’m so sorry the forums are slow lately I will be on tomorrow :)

    3. #739609

      Alpine, i’m going to the movie’s so i will be back in about two hours or so. And theres a rare chance that i will be on tomorow ’cause i’m going to be really busy. See you later! ~Be the fudge

      • #739831

        Happy B day to you, Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday dear Fudgey! Happy Birthday to you! :) And many more :):):)

    4. #739418

      Alpine, sooo…… Was that a yes or no or maybe? Did you want my Alps rescue station, Aquamarine dresser and some clothing for your Muddy river? PLMKSNOL I’m SOOO excited! If we do trade, it’ll be like a birthday present to me! (My B-day’s tomorow BTW) So yeah i’m totally excited! :D ~be the fudge

      • #739579

        I would love to trade what clothes do you have for trade? but either way I will definitely trade you it :) Happy b day <3

    5. #738799


      Hi there. This is just my opinion, But I am pretty sure that isn’t fair for the person getting your ridge if they do trade something you asked for. I’ve gotten a few trades like that before, but the person needs to extremely badly want your ridge to offer stuff like that. good luck, Though!!!

      • #739578

        I traded two promo and a rockerz Papillion dress for it so I wasted a lot then :(

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