SIgnature Timber Wolf psi for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives SIgnature Timber Wolf psi for trade

This topic contains 20 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  alpineleopard 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #737942

    I have a howling ridge for trade I traded a lot for it so I would need a good offer preferably merry melodies hat, plumpy, or white rabbit ears thanks :)

    1. #861184

      I have the whimsical top hat,icy grecian gown, superkinz outfit, totally 80′s dress, and more. I have two golden retriever psi’s. I have two lion topiaries. I have a golden apple tree, lot’s of chocolate booth,chocolate couch, Spots and dots tv, european scooter, carrot fridge, spectacular pink wardrobe, chocolate fountain, and a Swell shelter bed. PLEASE!! I really want the signature timber wolf psi. It is my second most wanted webkinz!!! And it would make me feel better to have the psi. I am being serious. I really want it. I’ll even trade it for three items, then kinzpost you three more items!! PLEASE! :(

    2. #740109

      Alpine, hi there! Almost all the clothes i have are for trade! I honestly don’t want to make a list again. How about we set up a day and we meet eachother in the trading room. I can just put a bunch of clothes on one slot and you can tell me which one you like best! Oh BTW, i will be at a funeral today at 3:00 so i may be back at around 6 or 7:00. Not KTime. PLMKSNOL

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