Signatures Ending/ And sig bulldog

Home Forums Pets – Archives Signatures Ending/ And sig bulldog

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  zebb5 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #837975


    Hey everyone. Hope ur having a nice winter. I made this forum so u can express ur opinions on the two topics in the title. This is not made to cause drama so don’t hate on other people’s opinion it’s there opinion and u may not agree and that’s ok! :)

    1. #839833


      Well before I start I want to thank u all for commenting. I personally don’t like the signature bulldog a lot. Sure it’s plush is cute but it doesn’t seem to have a lot of effort into it, they should of done something exotic and listen to what there fanbase wants I mean we are the ones buying the pets. The online pet kida creeps me out but i get scared easily.-.- signatures ending is just crazy Ganz knows how much they are worth and most webkinz collectors are preteens- teens so the signatures are more “adult” which is good for us. I really luv siggies and I will miss them so much. =^.^= Mew!

      • #841025


        Like I said Ganz could have had a lot more pet choices to keep making signatures. I will miss them a lot at least I am getting one for Christmas. Thanks N1.

    2. #839218


      Hey y’all! Well, I was really upset when I saw the last Signature. I am a HUGE horse lover, and requested to Ganz to make a Signature horse. Sure, the Bulldog is cute but I really wanted something other than another dog. Even a cat would’ve worked. Oh well. But Ganz completely getting rid of signatures!? I’m sure those were a huge profit on how expensive they were! Right now I am 13, and I really only like the realistic pets…and now their gone. Hmmm, well, this decision is interesting, and I am very disappointed. >^..^< Meow!

    3. #838888


      I think the last signature is not the best choice but I think it looks cool. Signatures ending is actually sad to me for they started when I started Webkinz and now they are ending. Webkinz could have had alot more ideas for Signatures pets for many years to come also knowing how many animals there are in the world that people like. My comments are same as yours.

    4. #838047

      Hiya, Zebb5! Nice to see you! The signatures ending for good…. I don’t like it one bit! I mean, come on, Ganz. I’m pretty sure everyone on webkinz likes them. (Maybe not EVERYONE, but the people who don’t like them probably have a little soft spot for them.) I think the signature bulldog is cute, but it wouldn’t be my pick for the last signature. Because a LOT of people wanted some cool signatures to be made. Like a Norwegian forest cat, a black wolf, a horse and lots of other things. If you ask me, I don’t think it’s fair. (So, what’s your opinion, Zebb5? Sorry my comment is so long. I understand if you felt too lazy to read it all. ;) )

      • #838549

        I really agree with you. The bulldog is cute but I would not pick it for the last signature. The signatures ending doesn’t seem fair to me either. My opinion is same as yours, @WebkinzPlushLover

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