Super Bed Trading

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Super Bed Trading

This topic contains 39 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  saveahorse10 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #88334


    <p>Looking for a moon superbed! I have a jewelry box one! feel free to trade amongst yourselves!

    1. #640464


      batraydog wrote on 2012-07-30 at 08:40 PM

      I would Like one of yours anyone … I have the webkinz miss.birdy jacket rares psi all that stuff .
      I would prefer mailing it to you on webkinz . add me batraydog

      i have like all of the old ones. what PSI can you offer? bailey101010

    2. #640435


      Musical Meistro Bed
      Daredevil Bed (I think that what its called)
      Stardust Bed
      Ice Cream Bed
      Tree Hut Bed
      Bed of Roses
      Butterfly Dreams Bed
      And more! Just ask

      Rare Beds
      Doghouse Bed
      Cat theme Bed
      Hockey Bed

      Looking for shuts!

    3. #640364

      Who needs a tree house hut superbed??? I have one! Its my only one so I need a great offer!
      Thanx! Have a great day!

    4. #640142

      batraydog wrote on 2012-07-30 at 08:40 PM

      I would Like one of yours anyone … I have the webkinz miss.birdy jacket rares psi all that stuff .
      I would prefer mailing it to you on webkinz . add me batraydog

      Could you make a list of psi and clothes please I’m not that picky about these :)

    5. #640133


      i have the moon super bed if you want to trade we can meet in a trading room sometime my user name is neita

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