The AmAzInG nAmInG ArEa

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The AmAzInG nAmInG ArEa

This topic contains 20 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  CrazyCooterCantCatchCats 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #717459

    Hi! every week, maybe Saturday or something, ill postt a new pet, and the winner. only 6 names each! recommend for 3 boys 3 girls. This week; Dalmatian! Good Luck everyone!

    1. #725233

      This is anonymous-to lazy to loggout and loggin. here are names; Leaflet, Leprechaun, Bullseye, Kris Kringle, Monah Mona, Green backed dollar Bill (Bill for short). lol more random names from the mind of Anonymous

    2. #725048


      Thx Crazycootercantcatchcats! Also my names are:Lucky,Clover,Shammrock,Goldy,Greenleaf,Patty.

    3. #724877

      the New pet is the ummmm. Lucky Dino. ill send your prize, Abislu1

    4. #724375


      My AMAZING mind! LOL.Well Im an assisant at a naming place so Im used to this kinda stuff. :)

    5. #724349

      Abislu1~ where do you get so CUTE names?

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