The AmAzInG nAmInG ArEa

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The AmAzInG nAmInG ArEa

This topic contains 20 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  CrazyCooterCantCatchCats 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #717459

    Hi! every week, maybe Saturday or something, ill postt a new pet, and the winner. only 6 names each! recommend for 3 boys 3 girls. This week; Dalmatian! Good Luck everyone!

    1. #774656

      Shananah, terrarum (which is latin for Of Earth),

    2. #725795


      Flower,Petals,Flower Petal,Rose,Little flower,Green girl,and Daisy.

    3. #725677

      oh yeah, forgot to say it…… this weeks pet is the Earth Fawn!

    4. #725605


      Whats this weeks pet?

    5. #725501

      winners’ 3rd place- Green Backed Doolar Bill with Anonymous 2nd place, abislu1 with goldy. and 1rst prize is……… Anonymous and her name, Leaflet! congrats! you now have control of the well!

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