*THE BEST NAMING CONTEST EVER!* by: princesscocol:)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives *THE BEST NAMING CONTEST EVER!* by: princesscocol:)

This topic contains 480 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Doodlebear954 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #648799


    princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-12 at 04:31 PM

    Hi, everybody! This is the most fun, spectacular, superly super, awesome naming contest ever! I will give you a pet to name and you have to give me amazing names, the best names you can think of! Then, after at least five people enter, i will pick the three best namers! Just remember, you can only do 10 name or less. The first pet is……….the new Sapphire Pegasus! Good luck everyone! – pc:)

    Raining Indigo
    Shinning Azure
    Fire Spark
    Firework Light
    Raining Light
    Uraina Cania


    1. #652903

      princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-18 at 02:32 PM

      1: 4pb with cheetos!
      2: Iloveanimals1 with brazille!
      3: maw with danny
      next pet is……………the signature normade cow!

      2.chocolate chip
      3. cookies and cream
      4. chocolate milk
      5. milky
      6. black n white
      7. cowl

      lol. doubt i’ll win but here are my names. oh yeah i am new hi!

    2. #652894

      1: 4pb with cheetos!
      2: Iloveanimals1 with brazille!
      3: maw with danny
      next pet is……………the signature normade cow!

    3. #652842


      1. Firefly
      2. Bella
      3. Beauty
      4. Princess
      5. Waterfall
      6. Angel
      7. Pegusas
      8. Annabelle
      9. Cinderella
      10. Adriel

      Hope you like them!!!!!!

    4. #652827

      iloveanimals1 and pc– thanks u guys!! :) not sure if u have noticed, but i like double names ;) when i name webkinz, i think– ‘what makes this webkinz unique? the color? size? shape? the things that that animal does?’ and then i use that in the name and i think, ‘what is a word that i like to use in names? the word ‘moon’? or ‘falls’? or ‘flames’? or ‘star’? can i use those along with a word thought of by what is so unique about it? if not, i keep brainstorming. if i can, i use it, and maybe the name ‘ShadowMask’ comes out for a raccoon. that is how i think of names most of the time. ;)


    5. #652824

      iloveanimals1 wrote on 2012-08-18 at 12:58 PM

      princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-17 at 07:29 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-17 at 06:55 PM
      Burgerler (Burger+burgler=burgerler)
      DustyEars (u know, cuz they have alot of grey and all…)
      if limit is 5, then ignore DustyEars and StarSearcher. otherwise, if limit is 7 or over, then all these names count.

      ♥don’t worry, the limit is 10. so you did a great amount of names!♥ ♥results!♥
      ♥1st place: 4pb with dustyears and shadowmask!(LUV those names!)♥
      ♥2nd place: i♥animals with rascal and bandit!(cool names!)♥
      ♥3rd place: jackarta with noon and rocky!(great job!)♥
      ♥next pet is………the new golden lion tamarin!♥ – ☮♥♫pc:)

      wow Thanks for 2nd!! and your right 4pb is a really, really amazing namer!!!! :D
      ~Golden Lion Tamarin~
      Brazille (found out they come from Brazil) :)
      all i can think of hope you like! :D

      your amazing at naming too! not just you and 4pb, everybody is!

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