*THE BEST NAMING CONTEST EVER!* by: princesscocol:)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives *THE BEST NAMING CONTEST EVER!* by: princesscocol:)

This topic contains 480 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Doodlebear954 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #648799


    princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-12 at 04:31 PM

    Hi, everybody! This is the most fun, spectacular, superly super, awesome naming contest ever! I will give you a pet to name and you have to give me amazing names, the best names you can think of! Then, after at least five people enter, i will pick the three best namers! Just remember, you can only do 10 name or less. The first pet is……….the new Sapphire Pegasus! Good luck everyone! – pc:)

    Raining Indigo
    Shinning Azure
    Fire Spark
    Firework Light
    Raining Light
    Uraina Cania


    1. #665023

      princesscocol wrote on 2012-09-09 at 04:58 PM

      happy birthday iloveanimals1 and 4444polarbears dog!

      Thanks! i can’t wait! it’s just 5 days away now!! :D i really can’t believe how fast the past few weeks have gone! it’s so crazy!


    2. #664798

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-09 at 12:51 PM

      princesscocol wrote on 2012-09-09 at 12:27 PM
      1st…………..i♥a with SparklingSapphire!(it’s your birthstone! happy birthstone month! LOL! Is your birthday coming up soon? If so, then happy birthday!)
      2nd………….4pb with MoonDust!(CUTE NAME!)
      3rd………….spotty with Ocean Jewel!
      Next pet: The Opal Pup!

      thanks for second!! and my dog’s birthday is tomorrow! i am going to the store today to buy my dog birthday presents lol! he is turning 2. :)
      Carpathia (car-path-ee-ah)
      BlindingGlow (when there is something really bright and it hurts your eyes and for a second you can’t see well)
      hope u like!

      awwww so cute! what breed is your dog?! :) my puppy hasn’t had her first birthday yet it’s next year :D


    3. #664448

      happy birthday iloveanimals1 and 4444polarbears dog!

    4. #664250


      princesscocol wrote on 2012-09-09 at 12:27 PM

      1st…………..i♥a with SparklingSapphire!(it’s your birthstone! happy birthstone month! LOL! Is your birthday coming up soon? If so, then happy birthday!)
      2nd………….4pb with MoonDust!(CUTE NAME!)
      3rd………….spotty with Ocean Jewel!
      Next pet: The Opal Pup!

      Opal Pup?

      Carpe Diem
      Kickin’ Back
      Perspective Beauty

    5. #664246


      princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-12 at 04:31 PM

      Hi, everybody! This is the most fun, spectacular, superly super, awesome naming contest ever! I will give you a pet to name and you have to give me amazing names, the best names you can think of! Then, after at least five people enter, i will pick the three best namers! Just remember, you can only do 10 name or less. The first pet is……….the new Sapphire Pegasus! Good luck everyone! – pc:)

      Rainbow Angle
      Perspective Beauty
      Wings of Change
      Carpe Diem (yes I’m going there)

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