*THE BEST NAMING CONTEST EVER!* by: princesscocol:)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives *THE BEST NAMING CONTEST EVER!* by: princesscocol:)

This topic contains 480 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Doodlebear954 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #648799


    princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-12 at 04:31 PM

    Hi, everybody! This is the most fun, spectacular, superly super, awesome naming contest ever! I will give you a pet to name and you have to give me amazing names, the best names you can think of! Then, after at least five people enter, i will pick the three best namers! Just remember, you can only do 10 name or less. The first pet is……….the new Sapphire Pegasus! Good luck everyone! – pc:)

    Raining Indigo
    Shinning Azure
    Fire Spark
    Firework Light
    Raining Light
    Uraina Cania


    1. #678423


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-11-01 at 10:01 PM

      ShirleyRenee wrote on 2012-10-30 at 01:48 PM

      4842polarbears wrote on 2012-10-29 at 06:41 PM

      Hello! Can I join?
      Summer (lol)
      Spots and Dots
      Winter Breeze
      Eve (like Christmas eve)
      Shirley Snow

      Yeah totally! Me and princesscocol/moon rose run this forum as partners. ;)



    2. #678379

      ShirleyRenee wrote on 2012-10-30 at 01:48 PM

      4842polarbears wrote on 2012-10-29 at 06:41 PM
      results! lol, finally.
      Rockerz Coyote===
      4th place goes to… WW/AIW with Mae Rose!
      3rd place goes to… A.R.G. with Acoustics!
      2nd place goes to… pc with Ginger fur!
      1st place goes to… FF with ValleySong!
      Honorable Mentions:
      i♥a with Chloe, 9WR9 with Jennette, and sunshine/KK with Taylor Swift!
      Polar Bear===
      4th place goes to… A.R.G. with Avalanche!
      3rd place goes to… WW/AIW with Coca Cola!
      2nd place goes to… pc with Frostbite and ICEE!
      1st place goes to… sunshine/KK with Klondike!
      Honorable Mentions:
      i♥a with Icicle, FF with SnowClaw, and 9WR9 with Krista!
      4th place goes to… a tie!! i♥a with SnowflakeBlizzard and A.R.G with Decem-brrr!
      3rd place goes to… pc with FrostedFur!
      2nd place goes to… WW/AIW with McFlurry!
      1st place goes to… FF with all your/their names!
      Honorable Mentions:
      sunshine with Northern Light, and 9WR9 with Cristine!
      Great job, everybody! Next pet is… the Ice Mist Leopard coming out in December! i REALLY like that one! lol!

      Hello! Can I join?
      Summer (lol)
      Spots and Dots
      Winter Breeze
      Eve (like Christmas eve)
      Shirley Snow

      Yeah totally! Me and princesscocol/moon rose run this forum as partners. ;)


    3. #678200


      ATTENTON EVERY1!!!!!!!!!! This is princesscocol on another account. i’ll b switching moonrose 2 princesscocol moonrose 2 princesscocol moonrose 2 princesscocol and the pattern goes on. thx! ☾✿❀moonrose☾✿❀

    4. #677942


      4842polarbears wrote on 2012-10-29 at 06:41 PM

      results! lol, finally.
      Rockerz Coyote===
      4th place goes to… WW/AIW with Mae Rose!
      3rd place goes to… A.R.G. with Acoustics!
      2nd place goes to… pc with Ginger fur!
      1st place goes to… FF with ValleySong!
      Honorable Mentions:
      i♥a with Chloe, 9WR9 with Jennette, and sunshine/KK with Taylor Swift!
      Polar Bear===
      4th place goes to… A.R.G. with Avalanche!
      3rd place goes to… WW/AIW with Coca Cola!
      2nd place goes to… pc with Frostbite and ICEE!
      1st place goes to… sunshine/KK with Klondike!
      Honorable Mentions:
      i♥a with Icicle, FF with SnowClaw, and 9WR9 with Krista!
      4th place goes to… a tie!! i♥a with SnowflakeBlizzard and A.R.G with Decem-brrr!
      3rd place goes to… pc with FrostedFur!
      2nd place goes to… WW/AIW with McFlurry!
      1st place goes to… FF with all your/their names!
      Honorable Mentions:
      sunshine with Northern Light, and 9WR9 with Cristine!
      Great job, everybody! Next pet is… the Ice Mist Leopard coming out in December! i REALLY like that one! lol!

      Hello! Can I join?

      Summer (lol)
      Spots and Dots
      Winter Breeze
      Eve (like Christmas eve)
      Shirley Snow

    5. #677851

      4842polarbears wrote on 2012-10-29 at 06:41 PM

      results! lol, finally.
      Rockerz Coyote===
      4th place goes to… WW/AIW with Mae Rose!
      3rd place goes to… A.R.G. with Acoustics!
      2nd place goes to… pc with Ginger fur!
      1st place goes to… FF with ValleySong!
      Honorable Mentions:
      i♥a with Chloe, 9WR9 with Jennette, and sunshine/KK with Taylor Swift!
      Polar Bear===
      4th place goes to… A.R.G. with Avalanche!
      3rd place goes to… WW/AIW with Coca Cola!
      2nd place goes to… pc with Frostbite and ICEE!
      1st place goes to… sunshine/KK with Klondike!
      Honorable Mentions:
      i♥a with Icicle, FF with SnowClaw, and 9WR9 with Krista!
      4th place goes to… a tie!! i♥a with SnowflakeBlizzard and A.R.G with Decem-brrr!
      3rd place goes to… pc with FrostedFur!
      2nd place goes to… WW/AIW with McFlurry!
      1st place goes to… FF with all your/their names!
      Honorable Mentions:
      sunshine with Northern Light, and 9WR9 with Cristine!
      Great job, everybody! Next pet is… the Ice Mist Leopard coming out in December! i REALLY like that one! lol!

      Thanks so much for fourth with the Rockerz Coyote, third with the Polar Bear, and second with the Husky!

      (I like this pet too) Ice Mist Leopard:

      Dew Lillie
      Blue Velvet

      *AIW (~WW)

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