The Clothing Machine

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  okira 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86363

    <p>Hi everyone! And welcome to my forum! Lets all work hard to figure out the unsolved clothing machine recipes! We can even do food here to!

    1. #636895


      Alpine Hat:
      Aviator Hat, Bubble Vest, Soft Suede Boots.

      Beautiful Blue Ball Gown (My favorite!) :
      Ballerina Leotard Top, Blue Bow and Powder Blue Skirt.

      Bright Spies Trench Coat:
      Cowboy Hat, Dark Shades, Wing Tip Shoes.

      Cowgirl Dress:
      Cowboy Hat, Cowpoke Top and Smocked Sundress.

      Detective Hat:
      Tan Suit Jacket, Blue Ball Cap, Red Ball Cap.

      Glass Slippers:
      Funky Girl Glasses, Ruby Slippers, Princess Hat.

      Groovy Retro Jeans:
      Chalk Flower Top, Cuffed Jeans, Rainbow Boots.

      Highland Kilt:
      Kilt Skirt, Purple Kilt, Funky Plaid Hat.

      Prismatic Dress:
      Dude Hat, Flower Power Swimsuit Top, Wide Tan Pants.

      Racecar Driver Outfit:
      Black Sports Pants, Black Vest, Kinzville Academy Varsity Jacket.

      Rad Rainbow Overalls:
      Cuffed Jeans, Polka Dot Pajama Bottoms, Rainbow Boots.

      Seaside Sarong:
      Bright Green Swim Trunks, Summer Fun Swimsuit Top, Wide Tan Pants.

      Sparkly Silver Suit Pants:
      Tan Suit Pants, Sparkly Pink Bow, Tuxedo Shoes.

      Starry Starry Hat:
      Purple Mod Hat, Star Fly Pants, Wizard Hat.

      Strawberry Hat:
      Green Layered Tee, European Flare Shades, Red Bow.

      Stunning Kimono (also my favorite!) :
      Chalk Flower Top, Bright Green Swim Trunks, Smocked Sundress.

      Superstar Shirt:
      Funky Flowered Pants, Purple Mod Hat, White Hollywood Sunglasses.

      Sweet Dreams Bathrobe:
      Fuzzy Slippers, Thick Knit Sweater, Yoga Pants.

      Tabby’s Glasses:
      Lovely Leopard Cat Cap, Penny Loafers, White Hollywood Sunglasses.

      Tie Dye Top:
      Purple Pajama Top, Blue and Yellow Fleece, Flower Power Swimsuit Top.

      White Jeans, Kinzville Academy Skirt, Flip Flops.

      Toy Soldier Coat:
      Captain Dogbeard’s Coat, Mod Jacket, Red Sneakers.

      Toy Soldier Hat:
      Party Hat, Funky Plaid Hat, Dude Hat.

      Wizard’s Apprentice Robe:
      Academy Sweater, Tuxedo Pants, Wizard’s Hat.

    2. #636882


      i want to solve the neon tutu skirt so bad!!
      : * (

    3. #636761


      I know it too lol it is wide tan pants,bright green swim trunks,summer fun swim sit top. Lol and the water melon shirt i know it but it has a retired item in it. :(

    4. #636671


      Hey! i know the seaside sarong recipe! just ask and i’ll tell you all. I SWEAR it works!

    5. #636515


      118Potter118 wrote on 2012-07-07 at 12:23 PM

      Webkinzlover346 wrote on 2012-07-07 at 12:09 PM

      118Potter118 wrote on 2012-07-07 at 10:45 AM

      Webkinzlover346 wrote on 2012-07-06 at 01:17 PM
      the neon tu-tu is really cute! You can post ones that are already solved too!

      I think that those rainbow-colored flip-flops are in the neon tutu for the waist band………

      good thinking! You might be right!

      and the ruffled skirt for the pink and ruffles……?

      Maybe u could add something random in it 2!!!

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