Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives THE EPIC NAME SHOP!! (CLICK HERE NOW!)

This topic contains 55 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  6bhi 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #631249

    Hello! I recently got a gray arabian horse. I think I’d like the name “stone” to be in it some how. But also a few other suggestions would be nice. Thank you!


    1. #638619


      Anyone need names? They are epic! :)

    2. #638146


      I dont really need any help now, because i already have 2 helpers, and that were not very busy. Check back at this forum and ill tell you if we need help. For now no, if it gets really busy then yeah we could use all the help we can get!

    3. #638116

      6bhi wrote on 2012-07-20 at 12:47 PM

      laughable921 wrote on 2012-07-18 at 09:46 PM

      6bhi wrote on 2012-07-18 at 09:05 PM
      whoever can get the most people in here can be my second assistant…i only need 2

      i tried to get more people, I’m sorry.

      heres a test for anyone who wants to work here. whoever has the best names will be my second assistant. and im back btw.
      3 names for text puppy
      5 names for white goo goo googles
      8 names for pink punch cheeky dog
      2 names for penguin
      7 names for cheeky monkey
      and 5 names for peace puppy
      good luck.

      For a TEXT PUPPY
      Bestie, hugs, kisses.
      Cherry, Sissy, Tutti, passion, Berry, Mindy, Tropical, Lacy.
      Chilly and Penny
      Bananza, Zanzibar, Cocoa, Sony, Truffle, Curly, and Sam.
      Hope, Skylar, Lindsay, Cami, and Molly.

    4. #637721


      Dezisabeast wrote on 2012-07-26 at 11:06 AM

      6bhi wrote on 2012-07-20 at 12:47 PM

      laughable921 wrote on 2012-07-18 at 09:46 PM

      6bhi wrote on 2012-07-18 at 09:05 PM
      whoever can get the most people in here can be my second assistant…i only need 2

      i tried to get more people, I’m sorry.

      heres a test for anyone who wants to work here. whoever has the best names will be my second assistant. and im back btw.
      3 names for text puppy
      5 names for white goo goo googles
      8 names for pink punch cheeky dog
      2 names for penguin
      7 names for cheeky monkey
      and 5 names for peace puppy
      good luck.

      ok hi i am really good with names and idk if you need any help if you do great if not its fine but i am going to name all the animals incase
      text dog- tecno, ace, astro
      google- perry, waddle, quack, olive, and Francis
      pink punch cheeky dog-FROSTY, FOXY, FUCHSIA, FRITZ, WANDA, ZOE, CASHMERE, and CANDY
      penguin- Miffy, mojo
      monkey- bananas (of course), Jacy, FIONA, Hister, Sverrir (means restless and wild), Ahote (reastless one), and ryder
      i think thats it just let me know what you think

      i am srry i forgot the peace puppy so i think flower Aurora Autumn Iris and hope

    5. #637718


      lol i think a good name for a aferican cat it zahara lol

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