The Groomy Roomy [ I have a room you'll love!]

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives The Groomy Roomy [ I have a room you'll love!]

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Owlpaintingshoe997 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #799974


    Boy or Girl, Color, theme, animal, type Budget?

    1. #823720

      Well I will spend about 700 kinzcash to 2900 for a room but it kinda depends on the room themes and what you want it to be but here is a thing that help me use stuff that you already got like toys or something or anything to decorate the room if it looks like it fits there then you got a perfect room. Sometimes I look for the cheapest bed or I think what is my webkinz personaity what goes best with her or him. I’m pretty good a designing my webkinz rooms I got over 35. My chihuahua Chen-Chen has the Funky girl theme mix in some pink stuff I won from webkinz news and It’s a pink beauty and it only cost 2510 kinzcash. But if your look for something to fit your pet then maybe I can help tell me what the pet is and if it is a boy or a girl I’m sure I’ll find something that is cheap.

    2. #821855


      Okay so i have a boy, theme: sporty, Himalayan Cat, about 1000 kinzcash Thanks a lot! :)

    3. #818287


      I am really good at this kind of stuff! ****Add me @ kittytwokat ****

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