The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

This topic contains 289 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  AMM03 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #622747


    does anyone have slips for trade

    1. #623585


      mislev wrote on 2012-06-29 at 11:02 AM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-06-29 at 09:58 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-28 at 07:13 PM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:28 PM
      Hi NuttyBuddy~ My username is cruisingal just like on here. I hope we can trade today. I can meet in either KC or KC plus. Just lmk. Thanks.
      Hi Jewels~ Yes, i\’d like to trade my Bakers oven for your purple bumper. Do you want me to Kinz post it to you?

      Yep I am here and KC plus blue TR 2 works for me if thats ok with you. I can give you the couple extra psi in the trading room but the car I have to send directly from the estore. So you are going to give me the 3 items in the trading room, I am going to give you 2 of my spare psis and then you are going to send the rest and once you have done that, I will do the estore gift thing to you and you will have your ladybug car :) Sound good?
      PS: I will add you right now, I am bratz2189. As soon as you are ready just KP me a note that says meet me in webkinz world and I will meet you at the TR :D

      Hi NuttyBuddy. I\’m back on today. I would like to trade but I thought we would be able to trade at same time. I\’m pretty nervous about sending first as we have never traded before. I have traded with many different people before but this will be the first for us so I\’m just nervous on sending first and then having to wait for the car. Please lmk what you think. Thanks, Cruisingal

      cruisingal …..i think ive traded with you but i know ive traded with nutty, and trust her….most of the people here are trustworthy but there are always a few you can\’t trust as i just found out…nutty is not one of those, she\’s totally trustworthy..
      mislev ^_-

      Awww thanks mislev :D I totally understand cruisngal\’s concerns, I am sure you probably do too. but anyway thanks mislev, it probably really helps cruisingal to hear it from someone other than me :D LOL Oh hey mislev, have you seen the spot of tea slide? I \”borrowed\” chloes for a couple of days….it is AWESOME LOL totally cute!!

    2. #623579


      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:54 AM

      And also here is my newer trade list (Not including all of my psi)
      Small inflatable jack-o-lantern
      Haunted dungeon gate
      Thanksgiving platter
      table-top rock garden
      Small red christmas tree
      Valentine’s tubby tummies bear
      Tabletop christmas tree
      Gourd table candles x2
      Green lava
      Jug of pickleberry juice (THIS IS AN ITEM NOT FOOD)
      Carved gem fountain
      Fancy fountain
      Year 3 Creepy bed
      Sham’rockin guitar
      Phersephone designer manikinz
      Kinzvision plasma tv
      Fairy high council throne
      Samurai armor stand
      I have LOTS more but it would take forever to type them all. I do send SOME but with more valuable items I prefer trading. And all of my priceless clothes are trade ONLY. Also if you would like I can post a FULL psi trade list. Thanks guys,

      PLMK if anyone wants anything, also my clothing list is on the first page. ;) Thanks,

    3. #623578

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:39 AM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-06-27 at 09:34 PM

      dogzrule45 wrote on 2012-06-27 at 07:10 PM
      Hey everyone, I am going to post a list of my wants and my haves.
      Cat hat
      Cat shirt
      Mad science goggles
      Cinnamon bun bed
      Year 1 and 2 Halowwen items, trophies (Skater Kat escpecially), Christmas, Priceless (Clothes and items)
      Wacky jeans x2
      Scuba oxygen tank x2
      Elf hat
      Cat feet
      Cat shirt
      Emo jeans
      Orange army

      Dogzrule45- I like your items a lot. I have some priceless clothing and over 60 psi.
      LadyOfTheHouse- I think you said you had plumpy. Well I think plumpy is worth 3,000 to 4,000. So you would have to add a lot.

      What priceless clothing do you have? And do you have estore psi?

      I have…

      WZ Jeans (150,000 to 200,000)
      Rock jacket
      Pizzazzy puppy psi
      Yellow sneakers
      And more.
      Black lab
      Yellow lab
      Chocolate lab
      Pink grey hound (E-Store)
      Bubblegumasauras (E-Store)
      Harmony puppy
      Tropical islands puppy
      Signature small beagle
      Shih tzu
      Cocoa lab
      Scottish terrier
      Rag doll cat (EXTREAMLY PICKY)
      Bull terrier
      Cotton candy puppy
      Airedale terrier
      Rockerz lion
      Rockerz dog
      B and W cheekydog
      Patchy puppy (Soon going to be retired)
      Golden retriever 3x
      Bear 2x
      Tree frog
      Jelly bean puppy
      Tie dted puppy (Full tux outfit)
      Basset hound
      Tickled pink cat
      Boston terrier
      Ribbion yorkie
      Pink punch cheeky dog
      Pizzazzy puppy
      Leopard lizard
      Clover cat
      Mohawk puppy
      Sterling cheeky cat
      Springer sapniel
      Mocha pup
      Cocker spaniel
      Polar bear
      Pink and white cat
      And I think I have some more clothing on my pets.

    4. #623564


      cruisingal wrote on 2012-06-29 at 09:58 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-28 at 07:13 PM

      cruisingal wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:28 PM
      Hi NuttyBuddy~ My username is cruisingal just like on here. I hope we can trade today. I can meet in either KC or KC plus. Just lmk. Thanks.
      Hi Jewels~ Yes, i’d like to trade my Bakers oven for your purple bumper. Do you want me to Kinz post it to you?

      Yep I am here and KC plus blue TR 2 works for me if thats ok with you. I can give you the couple extra psi in the trading room but the car I have to send directly from the estore. So you are going to give me the 3 items in the trading room, I am going to give you 2 of my spare psis and then you are going to send the rest and once you have done that, I will do the estore gift thing to you and you will have your ladybug car :) Sound good?
      PS: I will add you right now, I am bratz2189. As soon as you are ready just KP me a note that says meet me in webkinz world and I will meet you at the TR :D

      Hi NuttyBuddy. I’m back on today. I would like to trade but I thought we would be able to trade at same time. I’m pretty nervous about sending first as we have never traded before. I have traded with many different people before but this will be the first for us so I’m just nervous on sending first and then having to wait for the car. Please lmk what you think. Thanks, Cruisingal

      cruisingal …..i think ive traded with you but i know ive traded with nutty, and trust her….most of the people here are trustworthy but there are always a few you can’t trust as i just found out…nutty is not one of those, she’s totally trustworthy..
      mislev ^_-

    5. #623563


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:53 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:14 AM
      Cruisin gal
      Hey there :) I understand your concerns, trust me, I have gotten \”taken\” a few times before. If you check out my usual forum (or any forum I trade on for that matter LOL) you will see that I ALWAYS send my items :D Dont worry though, I am not at all upset, I feel similar when I trade with new people lol (especially because of past experiences) let me tell you this thouhg A friend of mine has an expired account therefore can not send items or go in a TR unless she follows someone in. She had 2 VERY valauble items—one being the bunny ears thingys- that she handed over to me in the TR from the expired account, I could have kept them no problem but I immdeiately KP-ed over to her to her main non expired account…that is the type of person I am :D As far as our trade, I have no problem meeting to do the first items, and then you sending the rest but I simply can not, because it costs \”real\” money, send the car without having you send the remeainder of your items to me after we meet in the TR for the first half, I just cant because once I \”gift it \” to you from the estore, I have NO way of getting it back. Does that make sense? LMK your thoughts :P

      I forgot to ask, do you have KC plus or just reg KC?

      Hi NuttyBuddy. Thanks for understanding! Yes, I have both kinzchat and kinzchat plus so either will work for me. I’m about to log on now if you want to meet. Please lmk. thanks, Cruisingal

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