The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

This topic contains 289 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  AMM03 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #622747


    does anyone have slips for trade

    1. #623607

      loue, we talked about this last time and it didn’t work out so well.
      but i’d like 2 SIG. and 1 other PSI. PLMKSNOL.

    2. #623603


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:44 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-28 at 07:51 PM
      Just sent your cloud adventure wings and the 2 city skyline tables :) Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the grrrreat trade :D

      Is there anything else from the “purple” theme you need by chance? I can probably send you a matching chair and possibly the matching trunk… trade necessary :D just let me know :D and again, thanks for a great first trade!

      Hi NB I need a coffie table if you dont have it thats fine. Also you are saying I dont need to send something to you in return? PLMK


    3. #623600


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-28 at 07:51 PM

      Just sent your cloud adventure wings and the 2 city skyline tables :) Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the grrrreat trade :D

      Thanks I love the wings


    4. #623591


      Cruisin gal

      Hey I am sorry, I have to run out for a bit, we can do the trade when I get home, it wont be long maybe an hour or so :D


    5. #623589


      cruisingal wrote on 2012-06-29 at 11:01 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:53 AM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-29 at 10:14 AM
      Cruisin gal
      Hey there :) I understand your concerns, trust me, I have gotten \”taken\” a few times before. If you check out my usual forum (or any forum I trade on for that matter LOL) you will see that I ALWAYS send my items :D Dont worry though, I am not at all upset, I feel similar when I trade with new people lol (especially because of past experiences) let me tell you this thouhg A friend of mine has an expired account therefore can not send items or go in a TR unless she follows someone in. She had 2 VERY valauble items—one being the bunny ears thingys- that she handed over to me in the TR from the expired account, I could have kept them no problem but I immdeiately KP-ed over to her to her main non expired account…that is the type of person I am :D As far as our trade, I have no problem meeting to do the first items, and then you sending the rest but I simply can not, because it costs \”real\” money, send the car without having you send the remeainder of your items to me after we meet in the TR for the first half, I just cant because once I \”gift it \” to you from the estore, I have NO way of getting it back. Does that make sense? LMK your thoughts :P

      I forgot to ask, do you have KC plus or just reg KC?

      Hi NuttyBuddy. Thanks for understanding! Yes, I have both kinzchat and kinzchat plus so either will work for me. I’m about to log on now if you want to meet. Please lmk. thanks, Cruisingal

      Cruisin gal sorry I missed this post lol. It is 1153 KT are you still on? We can meet in lt blue trading room 2 kc plus if you’re still on :D


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