The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

This topic contains 289 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  AMM03 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #622747


    does anyone have slips for trade

    1. #623636


      Jakarta wrote on 2012-06-29 at 02:02 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-29 at 01:52 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-28 at 09:55 PM

      Jakarta wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:36 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:14 PM
      thanks for replying to my post! Anyway, i don’t have either of those but i do have the witch dress, crown of wonder, safari hat, magic W shades,angel dress, wedding dress, designer dress, 3D glasses, gift box shoes and 2 bramble circlets. I really hope you need one of these because i am kinda poor and i would really love to start a collection of priceless. Thanks! :)
      P.S, if anyone else needs these items i open to offers!! :)

      I want the wedding dress some where on here I posted my haves so you can take a look. Oh and is the wedding dress plumpys if its not thats ok I also want 3 d glasses THANKS

      hi jakarta! You know, im really not sure if that dress is plumpys or not. But…i looked at your list and i didn’t see any priceless clothes. Do you have any? if not, thats totally fine!. Also, i heard you got wings! If you are willing to trade those, i would give you the wedding dress AND the 3D glasses for them!!! and possibly add lol! If you dont want to trade those thats fine also! PLMK ASAP!! :)

      you there?? :)

      Sorry I did not see your post! So I dont know what priceless clothes look like I am pretty shure I have some but I cant tell priceless form non priceless. Can you make a list of priceless clothes? PLMK

      thats fine! Heres a list:
      pink bunny ears
      white bunny ears
      witch hat
      jack o lantern hat

    2. #623634


      Electronica wrote on 2012-06-29 at 01:53 PM

      Hello Everyone! I am looking for a few things to finish my collection. I need these.
      Black and White Cat Outfit
      Elephant Statue
      Bunny White Ears
      Halloween Hat 2005
      Love Puppy PSI
      Fancy Tea Cart
      Year 1 Cake
      Wintermint Reindeer PSI
      Sweet tooth Tiger Starlight Mint Sofa PSI
      Sig Beaver Log Lodge Pool PSI
      Sig King Charles Spaniel Palatial Platform PSI
      Silk Sparrow Silky Smooth Drapes PSI
      Snowy Summit Wolf Snowy Mountain Peak PSI
      Summer Beaver Warm River Spa PSI
      Splash Dragon Sea Legend’s Bed PSI
      Sleepy Woodland Dragon Cedar Toy Trunk PSI
      Sherbet Bunny PSI
      Ruby Retriever PSI
      Red Velvet Bunny PSI
      Rainbow Rascal PSI
      Pumpkin Puppy Jack-O-Lantern Chair PSI
      Pot Bellied Pig, Signature PSI
      Striped Safari SUV PSI
      Nomad Tent PSI
      Lovely Tree Swing PSI
      Ice Palace Window PSI
      Elegant Vardo Wagon PSI
      Frozen Fun Slide PSI
      Sand Dune Den PSI
      Levitating Loveseat PSI
      I Have for Trade these things.
      Plumpys Glasses
      Cheeky Cat Range PSI
      Pink Bunny Ears
      Punk Princess Rockerz Shirt, Shoes, Skirt
      Rockerz Lion Jacket, Shoes, Headband
      VIP Tour Bus Rockerz
      Golden Tuxedo (not the glasses) PSI
      Aquarius Retriever Aquatarium PSI
      Blue Moon Lagoon PSI
      Homemade Helicopter PSI
      Daring Den Slide Sig PSI
      Sly Slide Sig PSI
      Aries Ram Shimmering Stained Glass Window PSI
      Big Bark Clock Tower Sig PSI
      Alp Rescue Station Sig PSI
      Frozen Founain PSI
      Autumn Paw Print Window PSI
      Frantic Frisbee Flinger Sig PSI
      Blueberry Bumper Car PSI
      Sunny Savanna Oasis Sig PSI
      Nutty Conveyor Belt Sig PSI
      Cocoa Basket Bed PSI
      Ossilily Seeds PSI
      Rapid Rescue Fire Truck PSI
      Golden Glide Water Slide Sig PSI
      Little Lamb Bed PSI
      Lovely Stained Glass Window PSI
      Cloud Nine Window PSI
      Minty Moose Polar Lamp Post PSI
      Treetop Tower PSI
      Opal Pup Opal Dining Set PSI
      Polar Bear, Endangered Ice Spa PSI
      Sabertooth Tiger Saberstripes Sofa PSI
      Harvest Hammock PSI
      Super Bed Boxes
      Glam Bags
      Chef Gazpacho Stove
      Virtual Trading Card Packs 1&2
      Lots of Retired holiday items
      Thanks, Electronica

      Hi Electronica. I really need your Homemade Helicopter! I’ve been looking for that for so long. I may be able to get the pumpkin puppy psi and Elephant statue for you. Would you be willing to trade? Please lmk. thanks, Cruisingal

    3. #623618


      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-29 at 01:52 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-28 at 09:55 PM

      Jakarta wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:36 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:14 PM
      thanks for replying to my post! Anyway, i don’t have either of those but i do have the witch dress, crown of wonder, safari hat, magic W shades,angel dress, wedding dress, designer dress, 3D glasses, gift box shoes and 2 bramble circlets. I really hope you need one of these because i am kinda poor and i would really love to start a collection of priceless. Thanks! :)
      P.S, if anyone else needs these items i open to offers!! :)

      I want the wedding dress some where on here I posted my haves so you can take a look. Oh and is the wedding dress plumpys if its not thats ok I also want 3 d glasses THANKS

      hi jakarta! You know, im really not sure if that dress is plumpys or not. But…i looked at your list and i didn’t see any priceless clothes. Do you have any? if not, thats totally fine!. Also, i heard you got wings! If you are willing to trade those, i would give you the wedding dress AND the 3D glasses for them!!! and possibly add lol! If you dont want to trade those thats fine also! PLMK ASAP!! :)

      you there?? :)

      Sorry I did not see your post! So I dont know what priceless clothes look like I am pretty shure I have some but I cant tell priceless form non priceless. Can you make a list of priceless clothes? PLMK


    4. #623614


      Hello Everyone! I am looking for a few things to finish my collection. I need these.

      Black and White Cat Outfit
      Elephant Statue
      Bunny White Ears
      Halloween Hat 2005
      Love Puppy PSI
      Fancy Tea Cart
      Year 1 Cake
      Wintermint Reindeer PSI
      Sweet tooth Tiger Starlight Mint Sofa PSI
      Sig Beaver Log Lodge Pool PSI
      Sig King Charles Spaniel Palatial Platform PSI
      Silk Sparrow Silky Smooth Drapes PSI
      Snowy Summit Wolf Snowy Mountain Peak PSI
      Summer Beaver Warm River Spa PSI
      Splash Dragon Sea Legend’s Bed PSI
      Sleepy Woodland Dragon Cedar Toy Trunk PSI
      Sherbet Bunny PSI
      Ruby Retriever PSI
      Red Velvet Bunny PSI
      Rainbow Rascal PSI
      Pumpkin Puppy Jack-O-Lantern Chair PSI
      Pot Bellied Pig, Signature PSI
      Striped Safari SUV PSI
      Nomad Tent PSI
      Lovely Tree Swing PSI
      Ice Palace Window PSI
      Elegant Vardo Wagon PSI
      Frozen Fun Slide PSI
      Sand Dune Den PSI
      Levitating Loveseat PSI

      I Have for Trade these things.

      Plumpys Glasses
      Cheeky Cat Range PSI
      Pink Bunny Ears
      Punk Princess Rockerz Shirt, Shoes, Skirt
      Rockerz Lion Jacket, Shoes, Headband
      VIP Tour Bus Rockerz
      Golden Tuxedo (not the glasses) PSI
      Aquarius Retriever Aquatarium PSI
      Blue Moon Lagoon PSI
      Homemade Helicopter PSI
      Daring Den Slide Sig PSI
      Sly Slide Sig PSI
      Aries Ram Shimmering Stained Glass Window PSI
      Big Bark Clock Tower Sig PSI
      Alp Rescue Station Sig PSI
      Frozen Founain PSI
      Autumn Paw Print Window PSI
      Frantic Frisbee Flinger Sig PSI
      Blueberry Bumper Car PSI
      Sunny Savanna Oasis Sig PSI
      Nutty Conveyor Belt Sig PSI
      Cocoa Basket Bed PSI
      Ossilily Seeds PSI
      Rapid Rescue Fire Truck PSI
      Golden Glide Water Slide Sig PSI
      Little Lamb Bed PSI
      Lovely Stained Glass Window PSI
      Cloud Nine Window PSI
      Minty Moose Polar Lamp Post PSI
      Treetop Tower PSI
      Opal Pup Opal Dining Set PSI
      Polar Bear, Endangered Ice Spa PSI
      Sabertooth Tiger Saberstripes Sofa PSI
      Harvest Hammock PSI

      Super Bed Boxes
      Glam Bags
      Chef Gazpacho Stove
      Virtual Trading Card Packs 1&2
      Lots of Retired holiday items

      Thanks, Electronica

    5. #623613


      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-28 at 09:55 PM

      Jakarta wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:36 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-28 at 06:14 PM
      thanks for replying to my post! Anyway, i don’t have either of those but i do have the witch dress, crown of wonder, safari hat, magic W shades,angel dress, wedding dress, designer dress, 3D glasses, gift box shoes and 2 bramble circlets. I really hope you need one of these because i am kinda poor and i would really love to start a collection of priceless. Thanks! :)
      P.S, if anyone else needs these items i open to offers!! :)

      I want the wedding dress some where on here I posted my haves so you can take a look. Oh and is the wedding dress plumpys if its not thats ok I also want 3 d glasses THANKS

      hi jakarta! You know, im really not sure if that dress is plumpys or not. But…i looked at your list and i didn’t see any priceless clothes. Do you have any? if not, thats totally fine!. Also, i heard you got wings! If you are willing to trade those, i would give you the wedding dress AND the 3D glasses for them!!! and possibly add lol! If you dont want to trade those thats fine also! PLMK ASAP!! :)

      you there?? :)


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