The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The Time Has Come To… TRADE!!! :)

This topic contains 289 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  AMM03 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #622747


    does anyone have slips for trade

    1. #622940


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-06-27 at 06:21 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-27 at 06:00 PM

      SuperWebkinz wrote on 2012-06-27 at 05:43 PM
      I have the carved gem fountain for a very good offer :)
      SuperWebkinz :)

      just to let you know SW (super webkinz lol) I didnt see where anyone had responded yet if they did I apologize but would like you to consider me next :D
      What would you like for your fountain? I have psi, estore psi, birthstone psi, sig psi, clothing, rares, exclusives. What are you looking for :D

      **gasp** you have birthstone??? what do you want 4 it? which ones do you have??? plmk asap! (lol i just made an entire sentance out of abreviations)


      LOL I have the emerald tv, the pearl pup psi and the 2 gem cars (I prefer to trade the psi’s for either of the pets cuz I really like the vehicles (I am a collector of cars LOL). Would either the emerald lab or pearl pup PSI work? I can also add if need be : ) just let me know :D


    2. #622939

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-27 at 06:40 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-27 at 06:31 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-06-27 at 05:49 PM
      i need birthstone psi, shuts, estore psi, and calico cat psi. i have sig. fox psi (sly slide), sig. arctic fox psi (snowy slide thing), and fire fox psi (molten meals oven).i have more, but those are my best 3 items, in my opinion at least.

      Hi! I have the Amethyst bed (NRGO) , Emerald T.V., Pearl sideboard and place settings, Aqua dresser, shuts, and almost any E-store Psi. I like your Arctic Fox Psi and sly slide. PLMK if you’d like to trade any of these. Thanks,

      i also have the Peridot gem coffee table and side table. What is the Calico cat psi? I might have it. Thanks

      omg you have almost everything i lookin for! would 2 birthstone items for 2 slides work?


    3. #622933


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-27 at 06:31 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-06-27 at 05:49 PM
      i need birthstone psi, shuts, estore psi, and calico cat psi. i have sig. fox psi (sly slide), sig. arctic fox psi (snowy slide thing), and fire fox psi (molten meals oven).i have more, but those are my best 3 items, in my opinion at least.

      Hi! I have the Amethyst bed (NRGO) , Emerald T.V., Pearl sideboard and place settings, Aqua dresser, shuts, and almost any E-store Psi. I like your Arctic Fox Psi and sly slide. PLMK if you’d like to trade any of these. Thanks,

      i also have the Peridot gem coffee table and side table. What is the Calico cat psi? I might have it. Thanks


    4. #622927


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-06-27 at 06:18 PM

      loue— do u have any other estore psi’s? i like my slide a little better than the ones u said, sry.
      superwebkinz—- i dont know if i got your username thing right… it was super something… anyway, sry, if i was gonna trade them for shuts, it would have to be only one of them, sry. would u be willing to trade shuts for fire fox item? (youll probably say no, but it was worth a try lol) if you have a birthstone psi, i will happily trade you 1 slide for 1 birthstone item or 2 slides for 2 birthstone items, etc. i will think about your offer, but for now, i would have to say no, sry.

      its ok i understand ;)
      sadly, i don’t have birthstone but thx anyway :)

      SuperWebkinz :)

    5. #622926


      Hi guys! Most of you don’t know me but i have a few items for trade: The Witch Dress, Year 3 trophy, 3D Glasses and Safari hat. PLEASE LMK if you need one of these items. I am looking for priceless clothes (maybe pink bunny ears) and i WILL be willing to add on some! Thanks!!!!

      KR =^..^=

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