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This topic contains 85 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by bamboo578 12 years, 1 month ago.
August 5, 2012 at 7:28 pm #644077
Cool!!!! Anyone have a good offer on these……
Silver dress
Lion feet
Red ninja costume
Full vintage glam
Full bee
Full diving bell
Full earth zodiac
Full Martian
Full Egyptian (costume not room theme)
I’m not on webkinz so I’ll make a bigger list of clothes sometime :)-
August 8, 2012 at 2:42 pm #645919
hey does anyone have neo gothic dress, plumpy, or wacky? i have lion feet, lion hat, purple and green lava, and pink ears (maybe) for trade. :) plmk if u want to trade w/ me! :)
August 8, 2012 at 2:38 pm #645913
dancerdog123456 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 01:26 PM
mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 11:36 AM
Any Zodiac (not earth) and clothing machine items
Anything retired
Chacoal cat
Persian cat (hold)
Glamour Gecko
Pink Poodle (hold)
Virgo Horse
Any Candykinz
Moon Rover (exclusive)
Countdown to celebration (exclusive)
Another exclusive
Full Zum Costume
OtherHi! I have most of the clothing machine items.
Clothing Machine Items I have:
Rad Rainbow Overalls
Seaside Sarong
Highland Kilt
Superstar Shirt
Alpine Hat
sweet dreams bathrobe
toy soldier coat
tye dye top
bright spies trenchcoat
wizards apprentice robe
toy soldier hat
beautiful blue ball gown
stunning kimono
groovy retro jeans
tabby’s glasses
glass slippers
prismatic dress
denim jacket
detective cap
starry starry hat
cowgirl dress
sparkly silver suit pants
strawberry hat
Make an Offer! :)
<3 DancerdogCan I have seaside Sarong? What do you want fo it? My username is mdl5455, so you can friend me.
August 8, 2012 at 2:29 pm #645907
mislev wrote on 2012-08-06 at 11:31 AM
puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-05 at 10:00 PM
mislev wrote on 2012-08-05 at 09:55 PM
Hi..im looking for these items…
totally bogus beanbag (pinto figurine prize)
beach ball beanbag chair
hamlet zum globe or gem globe
deluxe green racing helmet
Webkinz Cares Balloon
big black belt
Enchanted Garden Cascading Fountain
over the moon lamp
T-shirt kinzcostumes:
mad Scientist Goggles**
safari jacket, shorts, safari hiking boots
scuba belt****
Cozy log hideaway
spellbook perch
shamrocking swing
crimson red shoes &hat only**
hound dog rock glasses and blue suede shoes only**
Cupcake Forklift
Gushing Green Geyser
lovely log couch*
refreshing oasis
spider web window*******
PLMK if you have any of these items …..and what you want for it
i have the movie screen, animal hats, slips, dj, wings, infant, charm dress, sleeping dragon bed, creepy bed and moreI have the big black belt lmk :)
i have
neo dress ….most deluxe except fairy dress
charm dress
most kinzstyle
chocolated winged tee
all zodiac outfits
all city chic, dapper and glam
rock boots
red ninja, black ninja, candy corn witch
complete mrs santakinz outfit
blue fuzzy slippers
easter egg shoes
complete cloud including wings
bunny slippers
PLMK if you see anything on the list
mislevi have the webkinz cares balloom and i like ur neo dress do u want 2 trade? :)
August 8, 2012 at 1:26 pm #645890
mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 11:36 AM
Any Zodiac (not earth) and clothing machine items
Anything retired
Chacoal cat
Persian cat (hold)
Glamour Gecko
Pink Poodle (hold)
Virgo Horse
Any Candykinz
Moon Rover (exclusive)
Countdown to celebration (exclusive)
Another exclusive
Full Zum Costume
OtherHi! I have most of the clothing machine items.
Clothing Machine Items I have:
Rad Rainbow Overalls
Seaside Sarong
Highland Kilt
Superstar Shirt
Alpine Hat
sweet dreams bathrobe
toy soldier coat
tye dye top
bright spies trenchcoat
wizards apprentice robe
toy soldier hat
beautiful blue ball gown
stunning kimono
groovy retro jeans
tabby’s glasses
glass slippers
prismatic dress
denim jacket
detective cap
starry starry hat
cowgirl dress
sparkly silver suit pants
strawberry hatMake an Offer! :)
<3 Dancerdog
August 8, 2012 at 1:03 pm #645885
Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-05 at 08:06 PM
I have,
Leafy lounger
Handbag bed
All zodiac outfits
Full cloud
Batwing chair
Neo gothic dress
Sunflower bonnet
Victorian dress
Lovely monkey armchair
Day outdoors bathtub
Bird bath spa
Muddy mire
Emerald tv
Looking for:
Rock jacket
Hula top
Hula hat
Mad scientist goggles(big want)
Mad scientist lab coat(big want)
New psi
Signature psi
Estore psi
Any kinzclothes
Purple t shirt
Yellow sneakers
Brown belt
Green swim
Purple ball cap
Toy tool belt
Hockey skates
Golden gorilla slide
Probably more lol, feel free to offer :)I am all eyes on ur Emerald TV!!!!! What do u want for it???? im not on web but i soon will be so yeah…..
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