Trade HERE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trade HERE!

This topic contains 30 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  poobearz 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #91636


    <p>I have these things for trade:</p>
    <p>Pink gem car<br />
    Acorn car<br />
    Sail dress

    1. #683238


      adama123 wrote on 2012-11-20 at 03:15 PM

      Alp- oh sorry I forgot to write that! Anyway, I need full swim, melody, licorice dress and no sorry I do not have points :(
      Crusingal- Sorry I need to know what you are offering for :)
      Puff- No thank you sorry.
      Bailey- Hi Bailey! I need some priceless or maybe a different promo for the car :)
      All- I also have a brown belt for trade too, forgot to put that on too lol

      Do you still want the spooky puppy psi?

    2. #683222

      I have a bunch of PSF for trade, such as the pegasus’s, Rainbow Sorbet.

      LMK your offers! Thx!


    3. #683204


      adama123 wrote on 2012-11-20 at 03:15 PM

      Alp- oh sorry I forgot to write that! Anyway, I need full swim, melody, licorice dress and no sorry I do not have points :(
      Crusingal- Sorry I need to know what you are offering for :)
      Puff- No thank you sorry.
      Bailey- Hi Bailey! I need some priceless or maybe a different promo for the car :)
      All- I also have a brown belt for trade too, forgot to put that on too lol

      Hey adama, Oops, I forgot to say what I was looking for. I really like your pink car. Please lmk if there is anything you like from my list. If not, i’d be happy to offer something else. thanks, cruisingal

    4. #683195


      Alp- oh sorry I forgot to write that! Anyway, I need full swim, melody, licorice dress and no sorry I do not have points :(
      Crusingal- Sorry I need to know what you are offering for :)
      Puff- No thank you sorry.
      Bailey- Hi Bailey! I need some priceless or maybe a different promo for the car :)

      All- I also have a brown belt for trade too, forgot to put that on too lol

    5. #683151

      I have a friends of the earth trophy !

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