Trade List

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trade List

This topic contains 90 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  ladygaudiel 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #734603


    Need: Beautiful at Breakfast Dress Big Purple Bow Belt City Chic Top Dapper Casual Hat, Pants Movie Star White Dress St Patty’s Jukebox Vintage Glam Headband Zodiac Water Costume Shoes Spring Umbrella wall Hanging Easter Basket Hammock New Deluxe Clothes Trade List: Clothes Holoday House Coat & Dress Jingle Jester Hat Festive sweater Wool Scarf Jacket Back Winter Buckle Boots Green Cat Ear Toque Red Warm Toggle Jacket Orange Knitted Flower Headband Blue Polarberry Pants Amanda Panda’s Dress Ms. Birdy’s Pink Blazer Nafaria’s Purple Slippers Zodiac Earth Hat, Top, Bottom, Shoes Zodiac Fire Top, Bottom, Shoes Zodiac Air Hat Zodiac Water Top, Bottom Queen of Hearts Gown Ghost Pirate Hat Explorer Hard Hat Team Lug Shirt Team Sera Shirt Cave Explorer Hat (girls) Cave Explorer Top (girls) Cave Explorer Skirt Cave Explorer Heeled Shoes City Chic Sunglasses Vintage Glam Skirt Pink Beret I have multiples of some clothes just ask! :) I’ll post more when this forum is up.

    1. #735482


      Hey ladyg I have city chic sunglasses,Team lug shirt,and team sera shirt what do you have? I need plush animals just post what you have:D Narnian100

    2. #735477


      Hi guys! Thanks so much for your interest!!! MOMOFREDHEADBOYS: Hi thanks so much for the offer. I would love to trade! if you are interested in anything else on the list to balance out the trade PLMK. CRUSINGAL: No i don’t have a Sera Plush sorry. ALICE: Hey! Thanks for your post. Could you make a list of stuff you’re willing to trade? Not sure about values though so maybe PSI or (hopefully) estore points.

      • #735634

        I’m good. I have sent a FR, as soon as you approve, I will send. Thanks MORHB

    3. #735444


      Hi LG (may I call you that?) I saw last night that you had posted to me on the other thread. I had meant to respond to all posts today. I couldn’t remember your name or exactly what you wanted but then saw this thread. Now I know, LOL. You said you had the Framed Fiery Dragon Scale. I believe I have quite a few of your wants, do you still want to trade?

    4. #735442


      Hey, I will send water shoes. I’m not really interested in anything on your list although i happen to be partial to bunny planters…what’s your un?

    5. #735414

      LADYG- Hello there. I’m interested in your Fine Ribbon Bed PSI. LMK what you’re looking for for it, thanks!

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