This topic contains 38 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  GravityFallsDipper 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #631404

    GravityFallsDipper wrote on 2012-07-15 at 01:55 PM

    Hey, it\’s Dipper! Here\’s my trading list Detective Desk
    Hide and Go Burrow (on hold)
    Super Secret Safe
    Signature Sofa (on hold)
    Wacky Eucalyptus TV
    Northern Lights Bed
    Down Under Burrow

    I have lots more- Neo Gothic, Princess, Aztec, ect.
    I have stone-washed jeans, I’m looking for priceless

    1. #632999

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 04:05 PM

      GravityFallsDipper wrote on 2012-07-17 at 03:27 PM

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 01:48 PM
      Hi Dipper! Im holding the gem lamps for you and ohmy1! I need to know what you are going to trade for it! Like, ASAP! Please reply! Have a great day! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now! -Tigger)

      I have a Luxary Hot tub

      Great! Friend me! My user is goldfishkoi8088 no spaces or caps! Do you KP? TTFN!

      I don’t care KP or Trading Room is fine, whichever you prefer.

    2. #632945

      GravityFallsDipper wrote on 2012-07-17 at 03:27 PM

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 01:48 PM
      Hi Dipper! Im holding the gem lamps for you and ohmy1! I need to know what you are going to trade for it! Like, ASAP! Please reply! Have a great day! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now! -Tigger)

      I have a Luxary Hot tub

      Great! Friend me! My user is goldfishkoi8088 no spaces or caps! Do you KP? TTFN!

    3. #632911

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 01:48 PM

      Hi Dipper! Im holding the gem lamps for you and ohmy1! I need to know what you are going to trade for it! Like, ASAP! Please reply! Have a great day! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now! -Tigger)

      I have a Luxary Hot tub

    4. #632901

      GravityFallsDipper wrote on 2012-07-17 at 02:13 PM

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 01:48 PM
      Hi Dipper! Im holding the gem lamps for you and ohmy1! I need to know what you are going to trade for it! Like, ASAP! Please reply! Have a great day! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now! -Tigger)

      Hi! Would you take one Rare Luxary Hot Tub for both of the lamps?

      Osnt ohmy1 want one??? I’ll just get more lamps I guess. Sure! Sounds great! Do you KP??? What is your username so I can friend you?

    5. #632897

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 03:06 PM


      No, sorry dont have any slides

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