Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives TRADERS FUDGEY

This topic contains 83 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  forest85 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #724118

    Hi this is the place anyone can trade for there needs! Hav fun!

    1. #728222


      I’m interested in your cloud adventure dress and crystal advisor ball.

    2. #728216


      Hey Fudgey. Sorry for not replying. I totally forgot. Well Here are some of my Psi; LMK if you would like any. Celebrations Throne, Big top go cart, Schnauzer jalopy, King of the Jungle throne, Wilds of the Jungle sofa, And I believe that’s it. LMK… Thanks

    3. #728195

      Who else would like to trade? I still have everything execpt Burger. So i’m still up for offers! :D

    4. #728155


      Thank you so much!!!!!! bunnyheaven:)

    5. #727698

      Bunnyheaven, Hey thats okay! I’m gald i could help. I need nothing for the seeds. I just relized that i probably would never use them, and i was never emotionaly attached to them so i just decided to send them as a gift. I hope you like! :D ~Be the fudge

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