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This topic contains 364 replies, has 49 voices, and was last updated by Chelsea315 12 years, 2 months ago.
June 7, 2012 at 1:52 pm #613186
Hi! I’m so glad you made this forum cause I have tons to trade!!! Here is my first list ;
Fabled Fireplace (E-store)
Autumn Paw Print window
Winged Tiger Psi (E-store)
Rockerz Puppy Psi (E-store)
Swing in the Sky (E-store)
Prehistoric Pond
Rapid Rescue Fire truck
Big City Window
Ice Palace window (E-store)
Sunny Siesta sofa
Winged Wardrobe
Savanna Mane Stage (E-store)
Personal Rainforest sauna
Relaxing Rocky Sauna
Golden Honey Waterfall (Sig)
Pretty Poodle Vanity
Canopy Hammock
Mud Wallow Hot Spring (Sig)
Cocoa Basket bed
Underpass Hideaway
Cat’s Meow Garden (Sig)
Prehistoric Stove
Garden Stripe Table
Cozy Hayloft Hideaway (Sig)
Fortune Teller’s Table (Sig)
Yarn Ball Sofa
Fan Tail chairI will post another list in a few.
June 7, 2012 at 8:18 pm #613443
mislev wrote on 2012-06-07 at 07:40 PM
jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 06:04 PM
mislev wrote on 2012-06-07 at 02:00 PM
Hi im looking for these items
alyssa wings
jumbleberry tractor
totally bogus beanbag (pinto figurine prize)
beach ball beanbag chair
signature dining chair
elven organ
wooden hamster pedestal
hamlet zum globe or gem globe
deluxe green racing helmet
Webkinz Cares Balloon
zumwhere music box
zum cloudy window
big black belt
T-shirt kinzcostumes:
mad Scientist Goggles
safari jacket, shorts, safari hiking boots
Adventure park items:
Celestial S’more Campsite
Crystal Treasure
mini quest prizes
digging prizes (but not daily digging prizes)
Retired items:
toy tool belt
earth table
moon lamp
antique western brass vase
yellow tea cart
white fiqure skates
shamrocking swing
fresh fall perch
candy cane bed***
lovely log couch*
refreshing oasis
floral pantry
silo storage tower
daisy flower bed
crimson red shoes &hat only**
spider web window*******
white bunny ears***,
and of course purple & black witch hat****, jingle elf hat and shoes****
mislev ^_-Hi! How are u? Do you mean the Alyssa wings Promo from a while back? If so, I don’t think they are tradeable. If they are then I have a couple to trade! I don’t have the bogus beanbag chair but I have the Bowling Pin chair(x2) and the Fire Truck chair (x2) if your interested! I also have thes items from your list ;
Sig. Dinig chair
Zumwhere music box and window
Souvenir T-shirt
Scientist goggles
Lots of AP items, prizes and quest items
Refreshing Oasis
Daisy Flower bed
LMK what you need. Thanks,
JEWELShi jewels…boy do u have a lot of stuff….i doubt i have anything you would want but here goes…
starlight stable
cocoa cafe booth
glamour n’ glitz ball
sig. deer window
serpentine stream
monkey business sofa
banana hammock
jungle gym chair
down under burrow
gumball pit
cocoa bed
several other older PSIs
balloon blower
strengh tester
newton’s cradle
charm dress
full green Kris KIngle outfit
apples hat
royal blue crown
most deluxe
most kinzstyle
pink & blue rompers
chocolate tee
zum bomber
all vintage glam, city chic, and dapper
holiday night dress
christmas tree hat
other items:
weather console machine
most rares including movie screen and bowling alley
all current and some retired exclusives
sleeping dragon bed
burning bright lamp
halloween and christmas items (retired from ’08, ’09, ’10) plus creepy bed & some gargoyle items
several plushies
stately bookcase
dignifed drape window
I really wish i had something for the mad scientist googles but maybe the sig.dining chair ( i have 3 n only need 1 more)
thanx for looking….PLMK
mislev ^_-Guess what? I found the bogus beanbag in deep storage! It’s yours if you want it, it’s been there so long I know I will never use it! I like lots of your stuff. I like the Starlight stable, gumball pit, full green kringle. I was wondering if you had the witches brew stove and any Halloween urns.. Someone is looking and I’d like to help. LMK what you would like to trade for the things I have that you want. Thanks,
June 7, 2012 at 8:11 pm #613441
mislev wrote on 2012-06-07 at 07:40 PM
jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 06:04 PM
mislev wrote on 2012-06-07 at 02:00 PM
Hi im looking for these items
alyssa wings
jumbleberry tractor
totally bogus beanbag (pinto figurine prize)
beach ball beanbag chair
signature dining chair
elven organ
wooden hamster pedestal
hamlet zum globe or gem globe
deluxe green racing helmet
Webkinz Cares Balloon
zumwhere music box
zum cloudy window
big black belt
T-shirt kinzcostumes:
mad Scientist Goggles
safari jacket, shorts, safari hiking boots
Adventure park items:
Celestial S’more Campsite
Crystal Treasure
mini quest prizes
digging prizes (but not daily digging prizes)
Retired items:
toy tool belt
earth table
moon lamp
antique western brass vase
yellow tea cart
white fiqure skates
shamrocking swing
fresh fall perch
candy cane bed***
lovely log couch*
refreshing oasis
floral pantry
silo storage tower
daisy flower bed
crimson red shoes &hat only**
spider web window*******
white bunny ears***,
and of course purple & black witch hat****, jingle elf hat and shoes****
mislev ^_-Hi! How are u? Do you mean the Alyssa wings Promo from a while back? If so, I don’t think they are tradeable. If they are then I have a couple to trade! I don’t have the bogus beanbag chair but I have the Bowling Pin chair(x2) and the Fire Truck chair (x2) if your interested! I also have thes items from your list ;
Sig. Dinig chair
Zumwhere music box and window
Souvenir T-shirt
Scientist goggles
Lots of AP items, prizes and quest items
Refreshing Oasis
Daisy Flower bed
LMK what you need. Thanks,
JEWELShi jewels…boy do u have a lot of stuff….i doubt i have anything you would want but here goes…
starlight stable
cocoa cafe booth
glamour n’ glitz ball
sig. deer window
serpentine stream
monkey business sofa
banana hammock
jungle gym chair
down under burrow
gumball pit
cocoa bed
several other older PSIs
balloon blower
strengh tester
newton’s cradle
charm dress
full green Kris KIngle outfit
apples hat
royal blue crown
most deluxe
most kinzstyle
pink & blue rompers
chocolate tee
zum bomber
all vintage glam, city chic, and dapper
holiday night dress
christmas tree hat
other items:
weather console machine
most rares including movie screen and bowling alley
all current and some retired exclusives
sleeping dragon bed
burning bright lamp
halloween and christmas items (retired from ’08, ’09, ’10) plus creepy bed & some gargoyle items
several plushies
stately bookcase
dignifed drape window
I really wish i had something for the mad scientist googles but maybe the sig.dining chair ( i have 3 n only need 1 more)
thanx for looking….PLMK
mislev ^_-most rares wow i,m looking for rares here are the ones i want:
iwan bed
pile pillows
princess palace;
side table
vanity and chair mirror
fire pit
acient civilization:
staue -
June 7, 2012 at 8:03 pm #613439
hithereiamfreeze wrote on 2012-06-07 at 07:18 PM
ferretfriend wrote on 2012-06-07 at 07:05 PM
hithereiamfreeze wrote on 2012-06-07 at 06:58 PM
Hi Everyone.Trading List
Wacky Jeans
Cat Hat
Cat Shirt
Cat Pants
Cat Shoes
Swirling Leaf Tiara
Charm Tiara
White Bunny Ears
Brown Belt
Scuba Belt
Sea Captain Hat
Sea Captain Shoes
Sea Captain Pants
Sea Captain Jacket
Sea Captain Belt
Sailor’s Dress
Sailor’s Shirt
Sailor’s Shoes
Sailor’s Pants
Sailor’s Cap
Mad Scientist Coat
Mad Scientist Goggles
Mad Scientist Wig
Hula Headdress
Pink Bunny Ears
Media/Emo Jeans
Pink Explorer Top
Green Swim Top
Green Swim Pants
CheeseBurger Costume
Ketchup Bottle Hat
Ketchup Bottle Dress
Orange Army
Halloween Hat
Jingle Elf Hat
Jingle Elf Shoes
Torn Jeans
Rock Jacket
White Knight Armor
White Knight Shoes
White Knight Helmet
White Knight Pants
Bad Fairy Cape
Designer Dress
Hula Top
Hula Skirt
(Hula Hat Needed)
Pink Explorer Outfit (Sorry Never Trading)
Reindeer Ears
Phlying Phoenix Runners
Swan Princess Dress
Big Black Belt
Shock’n Rock’n Sneakers
Shock’n Rock’n Dress
Cloud Adventure WIngs
Gleaming Gold Sandals
Lilac Party Dress
Glam Girl Coat
Shimmering Gold Dress
Shimmering Silver Dress
Rare PSI
Starlight Mint Sofa
Golden Chariot Bed
Silky Soft Sofa
Wintergreen Candy Cane Bed
Half Moon Hammock
Sparkling Star Bed
Cheeky Dog Range
Story Time Throne
Sun Embrace Bed
Silky Smooth Drapes
Priceless Items
Enchanted Eleven Pipe Organ
Social Media Couch
Rainbow Fountain Of Wow
Rockerz Red Carpet
Rare Trophies
Crafty Critterz Trophy
Writing Trophy
Polar Plunge Trophy
Webkinz Day Trophy Year 3
Webkinz Day Trophy Year 4
DiceKinz Trophy
Retired Items
Ghostly Urn
WItch’s Brew Stove
Gargoyle Book Shelf
Monsters’ Lair Gate
Holiday Tubby Tummies Bear
Also All Rockerz PSI Clothes And Items.Aha! I found the person who has them LOL! Freeze, my friend Twinkle_Toes is offering wacky for witch’s brew bathtub and ghostly urn. She knew she has seen someone who had them, but she forgot who LOL. So, Would you trade yours for wacky? PLMK
Hi Ferret! I’m Sorry But I Have WAY TOO MANY Wackys. Sorry Twinkle_Toes.
May I offer for those 2 items? I have about 6 lists postsd. LMK if you see anything you like. Thanks
June 7, 2012 at 7:58 pm #613435
Here\’s a list of my things if you\’re interested people
winter room party pack
blue treble sunglasses
island wheel free spin coupon
wheel of wow free spin
zum balloon
wacky hot air balloon(value item)
cupcake chair
in home bowling ally(rare item cost = 10000)
cool pooch pool table(psi)
kinzcash side table(value item)
wacky eucalyptus TV(psi)
fancy fountain(rare item)
Ms.Birdy\’s tchotcke shelf
nibble\’s camcorder
pet of the month medal
factory boxes of chocolatex2
zum kinzbandz wall art
hamster kinzbandz wall art
rabbit kinzbandz wall art
propeller plane(value item)
sign of hope
antique fashion mirror(exclusive item)
tell me if you want one or more of them!!!!!
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