TRADERZ COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives TRADERZ COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 364 replies, has 49 voices, and was last updated by  Chelsea315 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #613186


    Hi! I’m so glad you made this forum cause I have tons to trade!!! Here is my first list ;

    Fabled Fireplace (E-store)
    Autumn Paw Print window
    Winged Tiger Psi (E-store)
    Rockerz Puppy Psi (E-store)
    Swing in the Sky (E-store)
    Prehistoric Pond
    Rapid Rescue Fire truck
    Big City Window
    Ice Palace window (E-store)
    Sunny Siesta sofa
    Winged Wardrobe
    Savanna Mane Stage (E-store)
    Personal Rainforest sauna
    Relaxing Rocky Sauna
    Golden Honey Waterfall (Sig)
    Pretty Poodle Vanity
    Canopy Hammock
    Mud Wallow Hot Spring (Sig)
    Cocoa Basket bed
    Underpass Hideaway
    Cat’s Meow Garden (Sig)
    Prehistoric Stove
    Garden Stripe Table
    Cozy Hayloft Hideaway (Sig)
    Fortune Teller’s Table (Sig)
    Yarn Ball Sofa
    Fan Tail chair

    I will post another list in a few.


    1. #613283


      Hi jewels :)

      I don’t believe we have traded before but have seen you around the forums. I am looking for a Witch’s Brew Stove and Ghostly Urn and am wondering if you happen to have them for trade? I am a long time player looking to make a room with my Creepy Bed. I do not usually have or trade priceless but do have a pair of Wacky Jeanz I could trade for both pieces, PLMK.

    2. #613272

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 01:52 PM

      Hi! I’m so glad you made this forum cause I have tons to trade!!! Here is my first list ;
      Fabled Fireplace (E-store)
      Autumn Paw Print window
      Winged Tiger Psi (E-store)
      Rockerz Puppy Psi (E-store)
      Swing in the Sky (E-store)
      Prehistoric Pond
      Rapid Rescue Fire truck
      Big City Window
      Ice Palace window (E-store)
      Sunny Siesta sofa
      Winged Wardrobe
      Savanna Mane Stage (E-store)
      Personal Rainforest sauna
      Relaxing Rocky Sauna
      Golden Honey Waterfall (Sig)
      Pretty Poodle Vanity
      Canopy Hammock
      Mud Wallow Hot Spring (Sig)
      Cocoa Basket bed
      Underpass Hideaway
      Cat’s Meow Garden (Sig)
      Prehistoric Stove
      Garden Stripe Table
      Cozy Hayloft Hideaway (Sig)
      Fortune Teller’s Table (Sig)
      Yarn Ball Sofa
      Fan Tail chair
      I will post another list in a few.

      hi I would like to trade a psi wacky eucalyptus TV for the rockerz puppy psi please

    3. #613266


      Here’s my haves list!

      Hover Sleigh
      Kinzcash Side Table
      Sun Seeking Solar Panel
      Homemade Preserves Sign
      Picnic Time Basket
      2011 Touring Van
      Chocolate Egg Area Rug
      Glam Boutique Chair

      Time Warp Clock
      Red Plasma Ball
      Yellow Plasma Ball
      Elephant Fountain
      Seaside Palace Sandcastle
      Twister in a Pot
      Riding the Rails Train
      Moon Rover
      Mining Cartwe are
      School House Desks
      Ice Resurfacer
      Bumper Car
      Circus Ball Trampoline
      Giant Sandwich Table
      Blue Butterfly Trellis
      Bubble Wrap Chair
      Happily Ever After Cake
      Royal Blue Jeweled Egg
      Zangoz Chocolate Fountain
      Rock out Boom Box Recliner
      Webkinz Day Countdown
      Webkinz Dragster

      White Poodle
      Earth Puppy
      Sig. Grey Tabby
      Sig. Siberian Husky
      Sig. Cheetah
      Rainbow Zebra
      Grey Arabian
      Cotton Candy Bunny

      Reindeer Slippers
      Zodiac Earth Costume
      Zodiac Fire Costume hat
      Charm Fairy Skirt
      Cloud Shoes
      Cave Explorer Shoes
      Cloud Hat
      Charm Fairy Top
      Knitted Sweater
      Diving Bell Flippers
      Diving Bell Bottoms
      Designer Dress
      Venetian Mask
      Yellow and Green Soccer Jersey
      Lunar Boots
      Pink Popstar Uniform
      Gift Box Shoes
      Fire Robes
      Springtime Dress
      Sweet Buddy Bomber Jacket
      Winged Tee
      Alvin’s Hawaiian Shirt
      Hot Pink Studded Shades
      City Chic Bottoms
      Holiday Robe
      Bramble Circlet
      Turkey Hat
      Webkinz Wool Cap
      3D Glasses
      Green Grapes Dress
      Majestic Monocle
      Trading Card Game Hat
      Alpine Hat
      Roman Head Wreath
      Holly Jolly Sweater
      Vintage Glam Outfit
      Green Dwarf Costume
      Blueheartz Retro Dress
      Googly Eyeglasses
      PJ Collie’s Shirt
      Lucky Leprechaun Jacket
      Silver Dress
      Sunflower Bonnet
      Tye-Dyed Tux Shoes
      Tye-Dyed Tux Hat

      Parts of Theme-
      Garden Gamer’s
      2010 Christmas

      Sleeping Dragon

    4. #613257

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 03:17 PM

      Hi again! Here is part 2 of my list ;
      Daisy Flower bed
      High Heel Piano (VIP pass prize)
      Frozen Pond
      Beachside Gazebo (Tropical Island Pup)
      Blue Moon Lagoon (E-store)
      Wallowing Tub
      V.I.P. Booth
      Cool Cat String Swing (Sig)
      Bamboo Chute Swing
      Golden Glide Water Slide (Sig)
      Icy Ocean Bathtub
      Endangered Island Getaway (Sig)
      Hidden Clover Den (E-store)
      Mountain Climbing Cliff (Sig)
      Lap it up Pool
      Wild Gourmet BBQ (Sig)
      Polk a Dot Piano (E-store)
      Songbird stereo
      Beaver Lodge bed (Sig)
      Tru Luv Wishing Well
      Homemade Carrotjuice Maker (Sig)
      Jungle Cat Perch (Sig)
      Carved Gem Fountain
      Frozen Fountain (Sig)
      Rockin Croc swamp
      Burrowing Cliffside Slide (Sig)
      Flock Watch Tower
      Poofy Poodle Chair
      Heated Hound Hot Tub (Sig)
      Down Under Burrow
      Ice Tower Lookout
      Lily Pad Waterbed
      Pot O Gold safe
      Timeless Treasure T.V.
      Royal Guard Station
      Heart Warming Tub
      Pyre Nest Bed
      Strawberry Bubble Bath
      Puppy Grub Tub
      Blossoming Flower Tree (E-store)
      Cocoa Cafe Booth (Sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (Sig)
      I will post part 3 next

      i like your high heel piano, (i might) blue moon lagoon, VIP booth,
      bamboo chute slide, polka dot piano. PLMKSNOL what you want!
      also how did you get the burrowing cliffside slide???

    5. #613247

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-06-07 at 03:17 PM

      Hi again! Here is part 2 of my list ;
      Daisy Flower bed
      High Heel Piano (VIP pass prize)
      Frozen Pond
      Beachside Gazebo (Tropical Island Pup)
      Blue Moon Lagoon (E-store)
      Wallowing Tub
      V.I.P. Booth
      Cool Cat String Swing (Sig)
      Bamboo Chute Swing
      Golden Glide Water Slide (Sig)
      Icy Ocean Bathtub
      Endangered Island Getaway (Sig)
      Hidden Clover Den (E-store)
      Mountain Climbing Cliff (Sig)
      Lap it up Pool
      Wild Gourmet BBQ (Sig)
      Polk a Dot Piano (E-store)
      Songbird stereo
      Beaver Lodge bed (Sig)
      Tru Luv Wishing Well
      Homemade Carrotjuice Maker (Sig)
      Jungle Cat Perch (Sig)
      Carved Gem Fountain
      Frozen Fountain (Sig)
      Rockin Croc swamp
      Burrowing Cliffside Slide (Sig)
      Flock Watch Tower
      Poofy Poodle Chair
      Heated Hound Hot Tub (Sig)
      Down Under Burrow
      Ice Tower Lookout
      Lily Pad Waterbed
      Pot O Gold safe
      Timeless Treasure T.V.
      Royal Guard Station
      Heart Warming Tub
      Pyre Nest Bed
      Strawberry Bubble Bath
      Puppy Grub Tub
      Blossoming Flower Tree (E-store)
      Cocoa Cafe Booth (Sig)
      Rainforest Retreat (Sig)
      I will post part 3 next

      Hi! I was wondering what you wanted for your Bamboo chute swing………

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