This topic contains 494 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  Twinkle_Toes 11 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #726720



    Patchwork Sofa
    Swiss Cheese Table
    King of the Jungle Throne
    Mud Bathtub
    Milk Truck
    Shell Racer
    Elephants Travel Trunk
    Milk Carton Fridge
    Porcupine Sculpture
    Unstable Stable
    Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter/Cabinet
    Retriever Treadmill
    Cave Bed
    Marshmallow Seeds
    Wacky Eucaplytus Tv
    Poca Fiesta Throng
    Lucky Horsehoe Fireplace
    Longneck Tv
    Reeds N Rushes Sofa
    Songbird Stereo
    Countryside Gazebo
    Candy Counter Fridge
    Golden Lamppost Lounger
    Acorn 4×4
    Lavish Limo

    Carrot Spring Chair
    Carrot Fridge
    Turtle Wading Pool
    Rainbow Beach Lounger (2)
    Campkinz Platform Tent
    Beach House Hammock
    Beach House Seashell Sofa Chair
    Beach House Cooler Bag
    Swirly Bean Rug
    Touring Van
    2011 Touring Van
    2012 Touring Van
    Hover Sleigh

    Yoga Ball Bed
    Gold Leaf Coffee Table
    Gold Leaf Settee
    Arcade Pool Table

    Jam Makers Fridge
    Jug of Pickleberry Juice
    Sugarberry Beanbag Chair (yellow)
    Barrel of Berries Fridge
    Weathered Barn Bench
    Plumpy’s Writing Desk
    Jumbleberry Beanbag (red)

    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Vine Bookshelf
    Neo Gothic Dresser
    Kings Throne
    Hand Carved Lion Statue
    Stone Elephant Statue (not fountain)
    Grandfather Clock
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Theater Screen

    Tropical Rainforest Walls/Floors

    1. #728188


      Twinks/MTT/Lady – Hi nice to see everyone trying to get on again. Twinks, hope you enjoyed your Blue skirt. I bit the bullet & bot the Kinzstyle Shop for my map, so ask away for any items. LMK. Also MTT/Lady if you know of anything I can shop for you as well.

      • #728775


        Hi cheynne! :D It’s great to ‘see’ you again, hope you have been doing well. Still lots of snow and cold here! :( Thank you very much for the blue skirt, that made me smile that you remembered that! I bought the Kinzstyle Shop immediately, too, for my map. I am very happy to say that I now have all Kinzstyle clothing. :D I did find some food items I am missing though.
        If you have any of these I would love to trade for them:
        Fall Festival Fudge (sendable???)
        Gooseberry Pie (2009)
        PB&J Chocowich (2009)
        Tooth Glue Toffee (2009)
        Fruity Fangs (2009/2010)
        Licorice Pretzel (2009/2010)
        Magic W Lolly (2009/2010)
        Marshmallow Eyeballs (2009/2010)
        Sweet Spectre (2009/2010)
        Purple Grapes (2011)
        Mazin’ Hamsters Berry Drink (2011)
        Mazin’ Hamsters Citrus Drink (2011)
        Mazin’ Hamsters Currant Drink (2011)
        Mazin’ Hamsters Punch Drink (2011)

        • #728838

          TT- I think I have a licorice pretzel that I can trade you. What do you have for trade. And it is nice to “see” you again.

    2. #728100


      Hey LadyT i do have a couple psi for the movie screen. I have the bluffadoodle psi, froo froo fox psi, lil kinz bunny psi,white poodle psi,siamese cat psi, These arnt psi but I have the crystal falls,mrs cowline reading chair,fluffingtons reading chair,plumpys desk and chair,Gold leaf armoire,Harmonious hammock,emerald treasure chest,pig paradise lake and robo handy table.

      • #728762


        Hi Narnian, if LadyT isn’t interested in the Froo Froo couch may I offer on it? PLMK

        • #728828


          Hey TT I already sent it to her srry:(

    3. #728000


      ALICE No need, very content with the trade as is. thanks so much

      • #728054

        Alright, if you’re certain. Thanks again for the trade, always a pleasure! I wish you the best of luck with finding everything on your wishlist!

    4. #727985

      LADY- Thanks for the trade! Had every intention of adding something in for that extra item….Lmk if there’s anything I can send in return for it. Thanks again!!

    5. #727970


      BECKY71W – Not sure if you will see my reply so am going to copy/paste it here: Oh, that would be wonderful! What would you like in return? i have lots of other estore machines and I also have the Deluxe Gumball Gizmo if you need that Gumball? PLMK what you would like! I just checked and we are already friends in WW so PLMK what I can send you. My UN starts with Pix. :D

      • #728158


        I sent you 2, If you need more just let me know. As you know it only gives you one a day. I don’t need anything in return. My dock is so full and trying to get it down now, so please nothing in return. Just enjoy and let me know if you want more.

        • #728173


          Thank you SO much! It is nice to have a pair of eyeballs, LOL I sent you a few machine foods as a thank you before I read your post but if you don’t need them at least you can feed them to your pets. Thanks again, I really appreciate it! :D

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