This topic contains 494 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  Twinkle_Toes 11 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #726720



    Patchwork Sofa
    Swiss Cheese Table
    King of the Jungle Throne
    Mud Bathtub
    Milk Truck
    Shell Racer
    Elephants Travel Trunk
    Milk Carton Fridge
    Porcupine Sculpture
    Unstable Stable
    Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter/Cabinet
    Retriever Treadmill
    Cave Bed
    Marshmallow Seeds
    Wacky Eucaplytus Tv
    Poca Fiesta Throng
    Lucky Horsehoe Fireplace
    Longneck Tv
    Reeds N Rushes Sofa
    Songbird Stereo
    Countryside Gazebo
    Candy Counter Fridge
    Golden Lamppost Lounger
    Acorn 4×4
    Lavish Limo

    Carrot Spring Chair
    Carrot Fridge
    Turtle Wading Pool
    Rainbow Beach Lounger (2)
    Campkinz Platform Tent
    Beach House Hammock
    Beach House Seashell Sofa Chair
    Beach House Cooler Bag
    Swirly Bean Rug
    Touring Van
    2011 Touring Van
    2012 Touring Van
    Hover Sleigh

    Yoga Ball Bed
    Gold Leaf Coffee Table
    Gold Leaf Settee
    Arcade Pool Table

    Jam Makers Fridge
    Jug of Pickleberry Juice
    Sugarberry Beanbag Chair (yellow)
    Barrel of Berries Fridge
    Weathered Barn Bench
    Plumpy’s Writing Desk
    Jumbleberry Beanbag (red)

    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Vine Bookshelf
    Neo Gothic Dresser
    Kings Throne
    Hand Carved Lion Statue
    Stone Elephant Statue (not fountain)
    Grandfather Clock
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Theater Screen

    Tropical Rainforest Walls/Floors

    1. #732891

      @ ladytrader77 I would like your Milk Truck, Milk Carton Fridge, and Plumpy’s Writing Desk. Here is my trade list

      Reindeer Slippers
      Golden Solar Suit Jacket
      Golden Solar Boots
      Golden Solar Helmet
      Bone Coffee Table
      Bow Wow Bone Tree
      Train Station Floor Clock
      Magic Elixir Table
      Webkinz Day Year 6 Group print
      Yellow Blossom Trellis
      Classic Gaming Room Wallpaper
      Kid’s Side Table
      Rocket Ship Bed
      Full Candy Corn Witch Outfit
      Wacky Eucalyptus TV
      Northern Nights Bed
      Swan Boat Car
      Puggy Bark O Lounger
      Ant Hill Thrill Pit
      Double Decker Bus
      On The Farm Alarm Clock
      Mud Bathtub
      Magic Carpet
      Potted Ice Flower

    2. #732876


      SUSHI – Thanks to some very kind and generous friends I have received some of the foods I was looking for. Here is an updated list of the foods I still need, PLMK if you are still interested in trading.
      Fall Festival Fudge (sendable???)
      PB&J Chocowich (2009)
      Tooth Glue Toffee (2009)
      Licorice Pretzel (2009/2010)
      Magic W Lolly (2009/2010)
      Purple Grapes (2011)
      Mazin’ Hamsters Berry Drink (2011)
      Mazin’ Hamsters Citrus Drink (2011)
      Mazin’ Hamsters Currant Drink (2011)
      Mazin’ Hamsters Punch Drink (2011)

    3. #732546


      Pookie, THANKS for the jellybeans! Those are awesome, and I’ll put those away in the big eStore fridge. And candy too! Do you have the sig Dutch bunny? If so, what’s his/her name? They’re VERY cute. THANKS!!

      • #733050

        You’re welcome! I saw those and thought of you, my wonderful friend with a passion for neat foods LOL. No, I don’t have that pet, but they’re certainly adorable!! Is there anything you might be looking for as of late? It’s so nice to ‘see’ you again! Have a great day, and I hope to find some other items you may be able to find some use for or enjoy :D

    4. #732302


      Just putting a feeler out that, Should anyone happen to end up with an extra Easter Hammock for trade please keep me in mind. I suspect it is a very elusive prize but it looks fabulous doesn’t it???????? Also anyone who has the pink and/or yellow trellises they do not want please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. #732197


      HRSGRL So sorry, with the chaos of the threads I did not realize my response to you never made it thru, anyway, could you please accept the friend request I sent from my main? I inadvertently deleted you when I was cleaning out the phone one day, I meant to do the other hrs in the contact list (you know from the original old thread) and hit you instead but just realized that the other day so immediately sent you a new request. thanks much

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