This topic contains 494 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  Twinkle_Toes 11 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #726720



    Patchwork Sofa
    Swiss Cheese Table
    King of the Jungle Throne
    Mud Bathtub
    Milk Truck
    Shell Racer
    Elephants Travel Trunk
    Milk Carton Fridge
    Porcupine Sculpture
    Unstable Stable
    Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter/Cabinet
    Retriever Treadmill
    Cave Bed
    Marshmallow Seeds
    Wacky Eucaplytus Tv
    Poca Fiesta Throng
    Lucky Horsehoe Fireplace
    Longneck Tv
    Reeds N Rushes Sofa
    Songbird Stereo
    Countryside Gazebo
    Candy Counter Fridge
    Golden Lamppost Lounger
    Acorn 4×4
    Lavish Limo

    Carrot Spring Chair
    Carrot Fridge
    Turtle Wading Pool
    Rainbow Beach Lounger (2)
    Campkinz Platform Tent
    Beach House Hammock
    Beach House Seashell Sofa Chair
    Beach House Cooler Bag
    Swirly Bean Rug
    Touring Van
    2011 Touring Van
    2012 Touring Van
    Hover Sleigh

    Yoga Ball Bed
    Gold Leaf Coffee Table
    Gold Leaf Settee
    Arcade Pool Table

    Jam Makers Fridge
    Jug of Pickleberry Juice
    Sugarberry Beanbag Chair (yellow)
    Barrel of Berries Fridge
    Weathered Barn Bench
    Plumpy’s Writing Desk
    Jumbleberry Beanbag (red)

    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Vine Bookshelf
    Neo Gothic Dresser
    Kings Throne
    Hand Carved Lion Statue
    Stone Elephant Statue (not fountain)
    Grandfather Clock
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Theater Screen

    Tropical Rainforest Walls/Floors

    1. #727545


      FERRET Just let me know what you have!

    2. #727527


      BAMBOO If you are still interested in the 4×4 for the points please send me a friend request to nanacrazy ????

    3. #727525


      TWINKS So nice to see you join us, would be nice if we could get some of our old regulars back and entice some new ones. Sorry I don’t have the PUP TENT either, good luck finding it!

    4. #727523


      ALice I would gladly just make the
      trade as is, your underpass/gemster for
      the lamppost, longneck and limo
      and I will just add the walls and floors as
      they aren’t important to me anyway,

      let me know if this works for you,

      also we may have to meet in the clubhouse to finish
      the trade as clearly i can’t kp all from main

      let me know

    5. #727449


      Hi LT, so nice to see that you have started a new forum! I have really missed being able to connect with my Webkinz friends here. Hopefully everyone has been doing well and will at least drop by to say hello every now and then. I am still looking for the Candy Pup Tent PSI and can still offer Caramel Apple Seeds for it. If anyone has the tent for trade but is not interested in the seeds I do have some other items, including a few PSI, that I can offer. :D

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