This topic contains 494 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  Twinkle_Toes 11 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #726720



    Patchwork Sofa
    Swiss Cheese Table
    King of the Jungle Throne
    Mud Bathtub
    Milk Truck
    Shell Racer
    Elephants Travel Trunk
    Milk Carton Fridge
    Porcupine Sculpture
    Unstable Stable
    Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter/Cabinet
    Retriever Treadmill
    Cave Bed
    Marshmallow Seeds
    Wacky Eucaplytus Tv
    Poca Fiesta Throng
    Lucky Horsehoe Fireplace
    Longneck Tv
    Reeds N Rushes Sofa
    Songbird Stereo
    Countryside Gazebo
    Candy Counter Fridge
    Golden Lamppost Lounger
    Acorn 4×4
    Lavish Limo

    Carrot Spring Chair
    Carrot Fridge
    Turtle Wading Pool
    Rainbow Beach Lounger (2)
    Campkinz Platform Tent
    Beach House Hammock
    Beach House Seashell Sofa Chair
    Beach House Cooler Bag
    Swirly Bean Rug
    Touring Van
    2011 Touring Van
    2012 Touring Van
    Hover Sleigh

    Yoga Ball Bed
    Gold Leaf Coffee Table
    Gold Leaf Settee
    Arcade Pool Table

    Jam Makers Fridge
    Jug of Pickleberry Juice
    Sugarberry Beanbag Chair (yellow)
    Barrel of Berries Fridge
    Weathered Barn Bench
    Plumpy’s Writing Desk
    Jumbleberry Beanbag (red)

    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Vine Bookshelf
    Neo Gothic Dresser
    Kings Throne
    Hand Carved Lion Statue
    Stone Elephant Statue (not fountain)
    Grandfather Clock
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Theater Screen

    Tropical Rainforest Walls/Floors

    1. #762377


      LG – Hi again, I am still interested in your Fine Ribbon Bed, what are you looking for? :D

    2. #762402


      Ailuropoda – Did you send the butterfly dress and Garden topiary to me? (Just a random guess, lol!) Thank you so much! You also sent a rainbow waterfall and a Pretty kitty dress… Let me tell you, that really made my day! My beagle is adorable in the dress. If you ever find anything you need…. Please tell me! I promise I want to know more than anyone lol. Oh yes! You also sent me a package of Magic W Sour gumball seeds.. I can’t tell you how happy I was about those! My gifts are always so lame! I’m so sorry about that.

    3. #762406


      Ailuropoda – if My other post goes through, I totally forgot to say thanks for the estore bag you sent…. That was you right? Just another ‘Random’ Guess, lol.

    4. #762407


      Twinks – the Mermonkey Artifact for the flowers works for me.

      • #763184


        Hi cheynne, if you ever get this post, thanks for sending the window, and I have been trying to see what you need for it. Do you still need the yellow dress? I will have all the new PSI for June soon, also. I can’t find old post most days, and forget other days. JLMK what you want me to send. If you put the item in the “tag” I will see it. Thanks again,DF

        • #763335


          hey dogfish, did you still want to exchange gem cars? I have the rose zircon pink gem car and was wondering if you would trade me a different color gem car for it, preferably blue or red one. Add me, my username is mrmerk

          • #763465


            Hi cheekie, sure no problem. More than I can say about the forums. LOL I have all gemsters, so take your pick. Add one of my accounts, clo92, and I’ll send the car. DF

            • #763493


              ok, im mrmerk, i just sent you a friend request. I would like the aquamarine gem car for the rose zircon gem car. You can go ahead and send over or if you want to meet me in a trading room we can do that too, JLMK.

            • #763621


              thanks for the trade! maybe we could trade more in the future :). Could you maybe post a little trade list and a little wish list?

          • #763644


            Hi cheekie, happy I could help with your car problem. LOL You have a fantastic house, a real sense of design. I enjoyed seeing your rooms. Come visit anytime, stay, hop around, snoop. LMK if you need anything. You have a small light purple xmas tree on the table, can you tell me the name of it? I don’t think I have that and want to check it out. Thanks, DF

            • #763739


              Just wanted to say thanks again dogfish, you have to be the coolest/nicest person I’ve ever met on webkinz. Also, not to mention you have the coolest house I’ve ever seen and probably ever will see :p. So glad to of met a good friend like you, thanks!

            • #764077


              Its called the glittering gem tree, since you like it, i just went ahead and sent it over to your 91 account, since you have been so generous to me, it’s the least i could do :). Also thanks for liking my rooms, lol i thought my house was cool until i went to yours…Your house is AMAZING and big…Are most of those items estore? I’ve never even seen like any of those items before lol.

          • #764222


            Hi cheekie, I have a grandmother that loves estore so much, I can’t stop the items from popping onto my account.. LOL thanks for the tree, but I have some of those and will send yours back. that tree looked different at your house, so strange. I have an extra hot tub, if you still need it. LMK I don’t have a wish list, and I have never made a trade list, just the thought of doing that kind of inventory make me see double. LOL See ya in WW DF

    5. #762426


      ladytrader made an oops, double decker bus & floating haven for the sofa I you haven’t traded it already. I not will go to the bed option, sorry for type looked at wrong item.

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