This topic contains 494 replies, has 56 voices, and was last updated by  Twinkle_Toes 11 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #726720



    Patchwork Sofa
    Swiss Cheese Table
    King of the Jungle Throne
    Mud Bathtub
    Milk Truck
    Shell Racer
    Elephants Travel Trunk
    Milk Carton Fridge
    Porcupine Sculpture
    Unstable Stable
    Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter/Cabinet
    Retriever Treadmill
    Cave Bed
    Marshmallow Seeds
    Wacky Eucaplytus Tv
    Poca Fiesta Throng
    Lucky Horsehoe Fireplace
    Longneck Tv
    Reeds N Rushes Sofa
    Songbird Stereo
    Countryside Gazebo
    Candy Counter Fridge
    Golden Lamppost Lounger
    Acorn 4×4
    Lavish Limo

    Carrot Spring Chair
    Carrot Fridge
    Turtle Wading Pool
    Rainbow Beach Lounger (2)
    Campkinz Platform Tent
    Beach House Hammock
    Beach House Seashell Sofa Chair
    Beach House Cooler Bag
    Swirly Bean Rug
    Touring Van
    2011 Touring Van
    2012 Touring Van
    Hover Sleigh

    Yoga Ball Bed
    Gold Leaf Coffee Table
    Gold Leaf Settee
    Arcade Pool Table

    Jam Makers Fridge
    Jug of Pickleberry Juice
    Sugarberry Beanbag Chair (yellow)
    Barrel of Berries Fridge
    Weathered Barn Bench
    Plumpy’s Writing Desk
    Jumbleberry Beanbag (red)

    Neo Gothic Grandfather Clock
    Neo Gothic Vine Bookshelf
    Neo Gothic Dresser
    Kings Throne
    Hand Carved Lion Statue
    Stone Elephant Statue (not fountain)
    Grandfather Clock
    Luxury Hot Tub
    Theater Screen

    Tropical Rainforest Walls/Floors

    1. #762874

      ALL- Hello everyone! CHEYNNE, Hello! Those are perfect. Thanks so much! I’ll send a request to you. You’ll know it’s me.

    2. #762819


      Hi Everyone!

      Going to post to all awaiting a response
      to hopefully save posting time!

      CHEYNNE thanks again, just wanted to finish our
      trade before I moved on, the sofa was my main attempt, so
      am glad I waited!

      FERRET You wanted the Fairy Den Dress correct? Would you
      do the Alps Rescue for it? Let me know!

      PONY So sorry, the bed is part of my original trade but I
      am going to keep my eye out for you and try to help you find
      one! Sure do miss you, I don’t get on here much it seems,
      my time schedule and posting schedule seem to conflict, lol!

      L-Gaudie, seems the Lilypad Bed is available so yes I would do
      that and the Gazebo for the ledge sofa and desk! please send
      friend request to nanacrazy and be sure to let me know
      what your user is so I can expect it! thanks much

      CHEEKIE I have the tub but not the limo! Can you just post
      a list please of what you have to offer?

      thanks everyone! nice be able to chat with you all again!

      • #762915


        Hi Lady my UN is the same here. I just sent you a request once you accept i’ll send the items.

    3. #762812


      CHEYNNE No problem, the haven and the double decker bus are fine, I was waiting on others as the list was posted for you to peruse first so if you are sure about those two I will get my end out. thanks much, I am very excited about the sofa, I did manage the bed and I think that theme is so nice!

    4. #762748


      CHEYNNE – Sent all 3 of the prizes for completing the map, which literally took me years, lol. The trophy and chest are nice but there is nothing you can do with the dubloon other than it sits in your dock. I’m looking forward to the sunflowers, I’m hoping to put them on my farm, which I tend daily. They should be a cheerful addition and I’m sure will bring me many a smile. Thanks so much! :D

      • #762802


        Hey @Twinkle_Toes: The bed is still available if you want it. What psi do you have? I also have a wants list in the last page of my forum if you want to check.

    5. #762358


      Cheynne thinking our post crossed so let me know if you still want the double decker bus and lily pad bed for the couch or a possible zum item instead, hopefully we can complete tonight! lol

      • #762438


        you still have the lavish limo and luxury hot tub? If so give me an idea of what you’d like for those items, thanks!

      • #762910


        heres some of my items, see if you like anything and make me an offer. If you don’t like anything, give me an idea of what your looking for, ill see if i have.

        exalted armories
        Ascended princess throne
        Fancy fountain
        golf cart
        neo gothic bookshelf
        neo gothic grandfather clock
        kings guard suit of armor
        friendly face flower
        ancient brazer
        elegant victorian fountain
        entitled tapestries

        lily pad bad
        cave bed
        wacky eucalypus tv
        lord of the pond throne
        wooden trough bathtub
        tree frog trampoline
        puggy bark-o-lounger
        googles scrying pond
        wilds of the jungle sofa
        wetlands pond bathtub
        fuzzy creature couch
        rabbit eared television
        autumn paw print window
        far north sliegh

        pink and green salon chairs
        glam boutique floor lamp
        crystalline pond
        circle of friends topiaries
        king of the castle superbed
        golden apple tree
        vortex storage
        flowerey greenhouse
        amethyst geode
        giant gift box
        rainbow coffee table’egg holder loveseat
        propeller plane
        magic carpet
        4-wheel atv

        turtle wadling pool
        gothic window
        giant spider webs
        spooky spider webs

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