Trading card condo theme pieces needed!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading card condo theme pieces needed!

This topic contains 23 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  HarryPotterDaleks 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #635785


    I think I might have the bed and the dresser…let me find out…***<3tennissyd123<3***

    1. #637091


      14kacie14 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 10:53 AM

      isabella7654 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 10:09 AM
      I am talking about the previous
      Here are my items
      Kids theme
      Seahorse PSI
      bellacourt flower
      Wild water ski
      Drum set
      Robo handy table
      harmony hammock
      neo gothic couch
      night flower power bed
      night of the armour knight
      1st trading card table
      1st trading dresser
      snack cart stove
      Egyptian tomb window
      yeti moutain window
      roadster go-kart
      artic window
      big top circus kart
      disco ball
      victorian garden
      bowling alley
      bubble wrap chair
      neo gothic chair
      rocket chair
      I also have estore items but I can’t trade them.

      What do you want for your Neo Gothic CHair? PLMK!!

      It doesn’t really matter, you can trade whatever you want for it. About the hammock, i’m not so sure about trading it..

    2. #636836


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-24 at 02:23 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 02:01 PM

      isabella7654 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 12:12 PM
      I need the series three theme actully… and my username is isabella7654

      O.K. I added you also. Since both Nutty and I offered the items for the hammock I’ll ask for the Yeti Window instead if you need anything extra or something Nutty doesn’t have. Thanks,

      It’s ok, if you want the hammock go for it….I dont wanna step on any toes…specially yours lol you’re to good a friend to do that lol. I am a little confused on which series she needs cuz I know them by colors…..she said series three….is that light blue and yellow or the dark blue that we just got done with? Oh hey, I got a honey waterfall, a handbag bed and a peace and loveseat in a trade yesterday :D I only wanted the hammock cuz with the peace and love seat and the peace pets that I have, that would give me like the whole collection LOL :D I have soooo many extras on both the light and dark blue pieces its not even funny lol are there any you need?

      OMG LOL! Me too. They are taking up way too many rooms. I’m not sure which one she wants either. The first series is the yellow one. The second is the dark blue with stars, the next is the one with the pink and yellow furniture. She needs to be more specific. You offered first by the way so I will wait my turn and see if she needs anything else. That’s cool. I hope you get the hammock you need. TTFN


    3. #636781


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 02:01 PM

      isabella7654 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 12:12 PM
      I need the series three theme actully… and my username is isabella7654

      O.K. I added you also. Since both Nutty and I offered the items for the hammock I’ll ask for the Yeti Window instead if you need anything extra or something Nutty doesn’t have. Thanks,


      It’s ok, if you want the hammock go for it….I dont wanna step on any toes…specially yours lol you’re to good a friend to do that lol. I am a little confused on which series she needs cuz I know them by colors…..she said series three….is that light blue and yellow or the dark blue that we just got done with? Oh hey, I got a honey waterfall, a handbag bed and a peace and loveseat in a trade yesterday :D I only wanted the hammock cuz with the peace and love seat and the peace pets that I have, that would give me like the whole collection LOL :D I have soooo many extras on both the light and dark blue pieces its not even funny lol are there any you need?


    4. #636774


      isabella7654 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 12:12 PM

      I need the series three theme actully… and my username is isabella7654

      O.K. I added you also. Since both Nutty and I offered the items for the hammock I’ll ask for the Yeti Window instead if you need anything extra or something Nutty doesn’t have. Thanks,


    5. #636756


      isabella7654 wrote on 2012-07-24 at 12:12 PM

      I need the series three theme actully… and my username is isabella7654


      I am not sure if you were responding to me or to jewels lolz I will go ahead and add you I am bratz2189 but if you were responding to jewels I apologize lol, lmk if you wanna trade the pieces you need for the hammock :D


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