Trading Dresser of the Lost City

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Dresser of the Lost City

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LoveWebkinzForeverGirl 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #705963


    I’m not sure why, no one in the Trading Room seems to want it. It’s a perfectly legit rare item. I would like PSI, I would also like Adventure Park items, like Seashell Shoes, the Seaweed Skirt, Framed Seashell Art, Coral Jewelry Box, or Unless Platform. So…PLMK?

    1. #706870


    2. #706234

      I think that nobody wants it because that room theme is hard to get, or rare to show up at the curio shop, and they don’t have those rare items to go with it. If you can’t get anybody to want it, you might get some good kinzcash out of it if you sell it!

      • #706650


        Hmm. Maybe. Thanks! I’ll probably send it as a gift instead, though. Maybe to catdy?

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