Trading Forum! Trade anything you want here! :-D

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Forum! Trade anything you want here! :-D

This topic contains 370 replies, has 39 voices, and was last updated by  candyque400 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #644295

    What pet is your handbag thing from????? Lmk :)

    1. #644699

    2. #644698


    3. #644697


      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-06 at 04:53 PM

      Oh my gosh really? Isn’t that expensive? If you happen to get a brown belt could you please lmk? I have been looking for it for a while :) also, if it’s not too much to ask, how much are you paying for the total?

      I don’t think I’m getting a brown belt but I doubt I can’t trade for it with the stuff I’m getting xD I’m not sure of the price because my mom got the stuff for my birthday, sorry. She just told me it’d come this week(the stuff she got) so I’m excited. :D

    4. #644695

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-06 at 04:48 PM

      Guineapigirl- yeah, it is, lol, giving some to my little sis and gonna save some for trading xD
      Ohmy- I havent gotten them yet, and I’ve bought from them before so I know they aren’t a scam :)

      Would you want to work out a trade for wacky and/or white ears???? Lmk and Plz tell me what your looking for :)

    5. #644690


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