trading full sea capt! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives trading full sea capt! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 24 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  schnauzersaregreat 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #728237

    Hey guys! I’m back! and yes I still have full sea capt! please make me an offer! thx!

    1. #729815

      pransser can we meet in light blue kinz chat PLUS?

    2. #729793


      Hey SAG. (:
      I need all Captain except for the Trousers.
      Here’s a few things that I have for trade ATM, LMK if you like/need any.

      Ketchup Bottle Costume (Actual body, don’t have the hat anymore)
      Sail Dress
      Sail Blouse
      Brown Belt
      Licorice Dress

      I also have some things that aren’t priceless, but some of the more popular clothes.
      PLMK and thanks!

    3. #729787


    4. #729753


      hi sag!!!

    5. #729684

      i accept the trade. Please meet me in Kinz Chat PLUS zone blue. I will be a Zircon pup or a schnauzer. swirl for hat?

      • #729844


        Ok see you there! I’ll be a black lab named Jazmine : )

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