Trading Priceless, Signature, and More!! :-)

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This topic contains 147 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #657625


    Ok, here’s my trade list:

    Wacky Jeans
    Charm Tiara
    Sparkling Star Bed (maybe, may not trade this one)

    Nutty Conveyor Belt
    Sunny Savannah Oasis
    Secluded Spa
    Fine Dining Table
    Cozy Canopy Bed
    Mud Wallow Hot Spring
    Juniper Tree Hammock
    Flock Watch Tower
    Doggie Diving Pool (NGO)
    Country Sensation Stage
    Rainforest Retreat
    Woolly Carnival Cannon
    Cocoa Cafe Booth

    Cloud Control Station

    I’ll post regular PSI and smaller clothing items next :-)

    1. #658446


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:50 PM

      Yes I would do that… there anything else you like for your rockerz cat PSI? I don\’t know if you saw but I could do the catnip canopy gazebo for 4000 points or if not then possibly 5000 (possibly).

      For the rockerz cat psi and the emerald tv could u offer 7000 or maybe 8000 points(most things cost around that price) srry I hope I don’t sound greedy yikes :o and then I could add in the gazebo and u could add in the swing plmk ASAP :) ~mortonhippo~

    2. #658445


      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 05:24 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 05:20 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:47 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:19 PM
      Deluxe – I don’t really have anything in specific that I need for them, I’m looking to get priceless though :)
      Candy – I don’t really need any of those, sorry
      Fudgey – DQ is here, i think, she posted earlier :) I’m pretty picky about the star bed, not sure if I want to trade it or not, I’m hoping to get priceless or promo for it though. For Doggie Pool I’m hoping to get a Signature or Estore PSI. Let me know what you could offer :-)

      okay thanks! and don’t stress yourself about it! thats a very rare bed,
      if you don’t want thats totally fine! but if you ever feal like you need to trade it come to me!
      i used to have really good SIG. now, not so much. but heres what i have for pool. contry sensation stage,
      sunny savana oasis, howling ridge, icy artic organ, (picky) northern reaserch igloo, zingoz and zangoz snowglobe,
      (extremely picky) sly slide, (picky) purse swing, elegant sette, (kinda picky) pink lampost, (new PSI)
      fortune telling table. i think thats it. PLMKSNOL if theres something your intrested in!

      I’m kinda interested in your research igloo :-)

      Wind~would you trade the pool for the sig. mud wallow hot springs??? or the sneaky ice cave???

      No thanks, I already have the hot spring and I don’t need the cave that badly

    3. #658420


      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 05:20 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:47 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:19 PM
      Deluxe – I don’t really have anything in specific that I need for them, I’m looking to get priceless though :)
      Candy – I don’t really need any of those, sorry
      Fudgey – DQ is here, i think, she posted earlier :) I’m pretty picky about the star bed, not sure if I want to trade it or not, I’m hoping to get priceless or promo for it though. For Doggie Pool I’m hoping to get a Signature or Estore PSI. Let me know what you could offer :-)

      okay thanks! and don’t stress yourself about it! thats a very rare bed,
      if you don’t want thats totally fine! but if you ever feal like you need to trade it come to me!
      i used to have really good SIG. now, not so much. but heres what i have for pool. contry sensation stage,
      sunny savana oasis, howling ridge, icy artic organ, (picky) northern reaserch igloo, zingoz and zangoz snowglobe,
      (extremely picky) sly slide, (picky) purse swing, elegant sette, (kinda picky) pink lampost, (new PSI)
      fortune telling table. i think thats it. PLMKSNOL if theres something your intrested in!

      I’m kinda interested in your research igloo :-)

      Wind~would you trade the pool for the sig. mud wallow hot springs??? or the sneaky ice cave???

    4. #658419


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:47 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 04:19 PM
      Deluxe – I don’t really have anything in specific that I need for them, I’m looking to get priceless though :)
      Candy – I don’t really need any of those, sorry
      Fudgey – DQ is here, i think, she posted earlier :) I’m pretty picky about the star bed, not sure if I want to trade it or not, I’m hoping to get priceless or promo for it though. For Doggie Pool I’m hoping to get a Signature or Estore PSI. Let me know what you could offer :-)

      okay thanks! and don’t stress yourself about it! thats a very rare bed,
      if you don’t want thats totally fine! but if you ever feal like you need to trade it come to me!
      i used to have really good SIG. now, not so much. but heres what i have for pool. contry sensation stage,
      sunny savana oasis, howling ridge, icy artic organ, (picky) northern reaserch igloo, zingoz and zangoz snowglobe,
      (extremely picky) sly slide, (picky) purse swing, elegant sette, (kinda picky) pink lampost, (new PSI)
      fortune telling table. i think thats it. PLMKSNOL if theres something your intrested in!

      I’m kinda interested in your research igloo :-)

    5. #658415


      I could do the seeds and swing for the TV, and could send you 4000 points for the gazebo!

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