Trading Priceless, Signature, and More!! :-)

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This topic contains 147 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #657625


    Ok, here’s my trade list:

    Wacky Jeans
    Charm Tiara
    Sparkling Star Bed (maybe, may not trade this one)

    Nutty Conveyor Belt
    Sunny Savannah Oasis
    Secluded Spa
    Fine Dining Table
    Cozy Canopy Bed
    Mud Wallow Hot Spring
    Juniper Tree Hammock
    Flock Watch Tower
    Doggie Diving Pool (NGO)
    Country Sensation Stage
    Rainforest Retreat
    Woolly Carnival Cannon
    Cocoa Cafe Booth

    Cloud Control Station

    I’ll post regular PSI and smaller clothing items next :-)

    1. #658698


      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 07:16 AM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 10:19 PM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 09:06 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 09:01 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 06:57 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 06:47 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 12:46 AM
      Ferret – Ok, I could do a signature for the two then LOL let me know which you’d prefer (except the secluded spa, I think I’m trading that one to Cece) :-)
      Guest – I could maybe do the dining table for the sofa, let me know what you think :)
      Cece – I could trade you Charm, the Nutty Belt, and the Secluded Spa for your burger if you’d like. You can add me at Windfola if you want to trade :)
      Cyber – Ok, do you have any priceless you could trade for the bed? I’m not entirely sure if I’m going to trade it yet but if you want to post a list I’ll consider your offer :-)

      Aww yah tottally! Add me at cece945 I’ll add something ;D anyways Do you want to send first or I will :)

      Ok, I’ll log on in a couple of minutes and add you :) For the trade, would you be able to meet in the clubhouse? If not we trade through Kinzpost, but I would prefer if you sent first. Sorry, its just I’m pretty cautious about kp trades unless I already know the person or have traded with them before :)

      2e i have abusy schuedle. I can send first which I will :)

      Hey I say YES!!!!! I would love your dining table!!!! LoL my username is Cady623 add me

      ok, logging on now, I’ll add you :)

      Can we do kinzpost trade I can send first I wont be on webkinz today so I can send tomorrow

      ok, sure :)

      Cece – I just logged on, I’ll send them now, Thanks for the trade!!! :-)

    2. #658671


      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 07:16 AM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 10:19 PM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 09:06 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 09:01 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 06:57 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 06:47 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 12:46 AM
      Ferret – Ok, I could do a signature for the two then LOL let me know which you’d prefer (except the secluded spa, I think I’m trading that one to Cece) :-)
      Guest – I could maybe do the dining table for the sofa, let me know what you think :)
      Cece – I could trade you Charm, the Nutty Belt, and the Secluded Spa for your burger if you’d like. You can add me at Windfola if you want to trade :)
      Cyber – Ok, do you have any priceless you could trade for the bed? I’m not entirely sure if I’m going to trade it yet but if you want to post a list I’ll consider your offer :-)

      Aww yah tottally! Add me at cece945 I’ll add something ;D anyways Do you want to send first or I will :)

      Ok, I’ll log on in a couple of minutes and add you :) For the trade, would you be able to meet in the clubhouse? If not we trade through Kinzpost, but I would prefer if you sent first. Sorry, its just I’m pretty cautious about kp trades unless I already know the person or have traded with them before :)

      2e i have abusy schuedle. I can send first which I will :)

      Hey I say YES!!!!! I would love your dining table!!!! LoL my username is Cady623 add me

      ok, logging on now, I’ll add you :)

      Can we do kinzpost trade I can send first I wont be on webkinz today so I can send tomorrow

      @@windfola Hey! I sent yestetday lol at like 9 at night hehe anyways send I’ll be at school in 2 hrs so lmk :)

    3. #658661


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-28 at 05:43 AM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-27 at 10:53 PM
      morton, i found out catnip is a small SIG. item. it came out in 2010,
      so it came 2 years ago. (24 months) the value is 50,000-60,000+ plus means the value
      could be higher. i’d be fine to do a SIG item worth the same, or less.

      Fudgey- Hmmm well as soon as snowy trades with me (or doesn’t lol) we can work something else I don’t quite know what sigs u have, could u make a list? Also if u have dogggie dive pool or endangered island tree swing I really need those thanks, ~mortonhippo~

      Never mind about the swing I am getting it from goldstar.

    4. #658655


      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 10:19 PM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 09:06 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 09:01 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 06:57 PM

      cece945 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 06:47 PM

      Windfola wrote on 2012-08-27 at 12:46 AM
      Ferret – Ok, I could do a signature for the two then LOL let me know which you’d prefer (except the secluded spa, I think I’m trading that one to Cece) :-)
      Guest – I could maybe do the dining table for the sofa, let me know what you think :)
      Cece – I could trade you Charm, the Nutty Belt, and the Secluded Spa for your burger if you’d like. You can add me at Windfola if you want to trade :)
      Cyber – Ok, do you have any priceless you could trade for the bed? I’m not entirely sure if I’m going to trade it yet but if you want to post a list I’ll consider your offer :-)

      Aww yah tottally! Add me at cece945 I’ll add something ;D anyways Do you want to send first or I will :)

      Ok, I’ll log on in a couple of minutes and add you :) For the trade, would you be able to meet in the clubhouse? If not we trade through Kinzpost, but I would prefer if you sent first. Sorry, its just I’m pretty cautious about kp trades unless I already know the person or have traded with them before :)

      2e i have abusy schuedle. I can send first which I will :)

      Hey I say YES!!!!! I would love your dining table!!!! LoL my username is Cady623 add me

      ok, logging on now, I’ll add you :)

      Can we do kinzpost trade I can send first I wont be on webkinz today so I can send tomorrow

    5. #658651


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-27 at 10:53 PM

      morton, i found out catnip is a small SIG. item. it came out in 2010,
      so it came 2 years ago. (24 months) the value is 50,000-60,000+ plus means the value
      could be higher. i’d be fine to do a SIG item worth the same, or less.

      Fudgey- Hmmm well as soon as snowy trades with me (or doesn’t lol) we can work something else I don’t quite know what sigs u have, could u make a list? Also if u have dogggie dive pool or endangered island tree swing I really need those thanks, ~mortonhippo~

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