Trading Promo Gorilla Slide :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Promo Gorilla Slide :)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  FluffySilly713 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #596137

    I have some sig. Psi! Would that work??

    1. #596776

      BabyMinkey wrote on 2012-05-05 at 02:29 PM

      Never mind, I just traded the slide this morning. Sorry to the person who was interested :(
      Now I’m looking for a few certain PSIs and a Mad Scientist Wig. Anyone who has the wig PLMK what you need :)
      As always,

      My friend on Webkinz has the wig, I’ll ask if hers is for trade.
      In the meanwhile, what PSI do you need? I know someone who wants one of my items and she has A LOT of PSI. I could possibly trade my item for one you want.

    2. #596580


      Never mind, I just traded the slide this morning. Sorry to the person who was interested :(

      Now I’m looking for a few certain PSIs and a Mad Scientist Wig. Anyone who has the wig PLMK what you need :)

      As always,

    3. #596137

      I have some sig. Psi! Would that work??

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