Trading Rare Clothes, Furniture, Items, And Other Cool Stuff!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Rare Clothes, Furniture, Items, And Other Cool Stuff!

This topic contains 40 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  poobearz 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #624127

    hi do you have charm, swirl, shuts, or red rock??? I’m also looking for signature and estore LMK thx!! :)

    1. #624278


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-06-30 at 10:07 PM

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-30 at 09:28 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-30 at 09:17 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 07:48 PM
      If anyone has a rock jacket and is willing to trade it for slips, safari hat, wings, or 3D glasses, pleas let me know. Thanks!

      If there is someone willing to trade with you but needs you to add and you dont have anything they want, come find me at calling all traders, calling all traders and I will TRY to help :) I still feel horribly bad about what happened with your account and would love to try to help if I can :)

      hey guys! Im a newbie at priceless and i need some help. What priceless clothes would anyone be willing to trade with me for these:
      3D glasses
      Safari hat
      Witch dress
      PLMK!!!! I was looking at some values and i think wings or pink bunny ears might be worth these items but idk.

      KR- Actually that’s kinzstyle shop clothing. Priceless is like..
      WZ Jeans
      Witch hat
      Cat costume

      yah i know but i was wondering if i can get any pricless for that? I doubt it…..*sigh*

    2. #624269

      kittensrule wrote on 2012-06-30 at 09:28 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-30 at 09:17 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 07:48 PM
      If anyone has a rock jacket and is willing to trade it for slips, safari hat, wings, or 3D glasses, pleas let me know. Thanks!

      If there is someone willing to trade with you but needs you to add and you dont have anything they want, come find me at calling all traders, calling all traders and I will TRY to help :) I still feel horribly bad about what happened with your account and would love to try to help if I can :)

      hey guys! Im a newbie at priceless and i need some help. What priceless clothes would anyone be willing to trade with me for these:
      3D glasses
      Safari hat
      Witch dress
      PLMK!!!! I was looking at some values and i think wings or pink bunny ears might be worth these items but idk.

      KR- Actually that’s kinzstyle shop clothing. Priceless is like..

      WZ Jeans
      Witch hat
      Cat costume

    3. #624257


      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-30 at 09:17 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 07:48 PM
      If anyone has a rock jacket and is willing to trade it for slips, safari hat, wings, or 3D glasses, pleas let me know. Thanks!

      If there is someone willing to trade with you but needs you to add and you dont have anything they want, come find me at calling all traders, calling all traders and I will TRY to help :) I still feel horribly bad about what happened with your account and would love to try to help if I can :)

      hey guys! Im a newbie at priceless and i need some help. What priceless clothes would anyone be willing to trade with me for these:
      3D glasses
      Safari hat
      Witch dress
      PLMK!!!! I was looking at some values and i think wings or pink bunny ears might be worth these items but idk.

    4. #624254

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-06-30 at 09:17 PM

      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 07:48 PM
      If anyone has a rock jacket and is willing to trade it for slips, safari hat, wings, or 3D glasses, pleas let me know. Thanks!

      If there is someone willing to trade with you but needs you to add and you dont have anything they want, come find me at calling all traders, calling all traders and I will TRY to help :) I still feel horribly bad about what happened with your account and would love to try to help if I can :)

      Thanks so much NB. I’ll ask if I need it, but I feel bad resting on your generosity all the time. I hope I’ll be able to get one eventually with these items, but again, your help is appreciated more than I can tell you.

    5. #624249


      LadyOfTheHouse wrote on 2012-06-30 at 07:48 PM

      If anyone has a rock jacket and is willing to trade it for slips, safari hat, wings, or 3D glasses, pleas let me know. Thanks!


      If there is someone willing to trade with you but needs you to add and you dont have anything they want, come find me at calling all traders, calling all traders and I will TRY to help :) I still feel horribly bad about what happened with your account and would love to try to help if I can :)


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