Home Forums Questions – Archives TRADING RARE ITEMS FOR RARE ITEMS!!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  iloveminihorse 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #772046


    Hey everyone….. This is bee36, asking for rare items in trade for rare items. Just to let you know , I’m a deluxe member and can get access to deluxe things… Here’s the list of my things I really would like: Blue Minaret Vase, Emroidered Pedestals x4, Feast of Fruit Table, Flying Cozy Carpet, Garden Oil Lamps of Persia x4, Jade Persian Rug, Magnificent Iwan Rest Bed (willing to trade anything for this), Persian Palace Flooring, Sandstone Spa, Takht Throne, Violet Persian Rug, Piles of Persian Pillows x5, Desert Destiny Window,Sultan Setee. Thanks!

    1. #821862

      I have an Arte’s Clock- awesome clock, really worth some money! I got it by trade and I have never seen it anywhere else. I also have a Cat Tv, Cat Sofa, and I THINK I have a Cat playground (decoration), Egyptian tomb window. If i see any of those u mentioned I will buy it for u.

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