Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

This topic contains 80 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  lostdays 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #594684

    lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

    I will list the rest in a little while. =)

    Do you still have the Sail Dress?

    1. #597428


      Ok I am going post my stuff I have for trade today

      Emo Jeans
      Full Cat
      Full KinzClothes Safari
      Pink Explorer Top
      Inkwell Trophy
      2 Signature PSI

    2. #597405


      centofcoco wrote on 2012-05-06 at 10:05 AM

      peaceout1 wrote on 2012-05-05 at 06:13 PM
      do u still have emo jeans? if u do ill trade u shuts and wz jeans for them or slips or cat costume or… i have a LOT more. plz lmk if u wanna trade for one of those. my username is amma1001

      i can do emo jeans for cat costume :D LMK

      sorry nvm, good luck :)

    3. #597371


      peaceout1 wrote on 2012-05-05 at 06:13 PM

      do u still have emo jeans? if u do ill trade u shuts and wz jeans for them or slips or cat costume or… i have a LOT more. plz lmk if u wanna trade for one of those. my username is amma1001

      i can do emo jeans for cat costume :D LMK

    4. #597028

      adama123 wrote on 2012-05-05 at 10:28 AM

      May i offer on deer? i have lots of clothes! over 200! can i just show them? add me at adama123 and maybe we can work something out? lmk!

      If you are talking to me, then yes! I am looking for Wacky, Swirl, Army or Scuba Belt.

      My user is Angel118576, so you know who is asking to be your friend,


    5. #596928

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-05-03 at 03:19 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-05-02 at 10:28 PM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM
      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      I like emotion jeans. I kinda like the cap. But not right now. I don’t need the cap. For emo I offer…….
      Pretty prom dress
      Shimmering gold dress
      Gleaming gold sandals
      Stylish snow suit
      Pizzazzy puppy psi (picky) (on hold)
      And more.
      Black lab
      Yellow lab
      Ribbon yorkie
      Tickled pink cat
      Boston terrier
      Pink and white cat
      Polar bear
      Tropical islands pup
      Small signature beagle
      Shih tzu
      Kinz charles cocker spaniel
      Cocker spaniel
      Springer spaniel
      Mocha pup
      Basset hound
      Golden retriever
      Mohawk puppy
      Clover cat
      Airedale terrier
      Leopard lizard
      Pink grey hound
      Bubblegum asauras
      pink punch cheeky dog
      Cotton candy puppy
      Patchy puppy
      Harmony puppy
      Bull terrier
      Gold and white cat
      Tree frog
      And more.
      Super beds……
      Night an the movies bed
      Ice cream sunde bed
      Sweet cake bed (I do not know the real name)
      The crown super bed thingy
      And lots more.

      Hi there, if the Lostdays isn’t interested in the Patchy Puppy PSI I certainly am. What are some other things you might be looking for for it? PLMK, thanks. ~WW

      Hi WW.
      Sorry I responded so late. I would like some clothing.

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