Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

This topic contains 80 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  lostdays 12 years ago.

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  • #594684

    lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

    I will list the rest in a little while. =)

    Do you still have the Sail Dress?

    1. #599712

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-09 at 07:52 PM

      ChunkyChipper wrote on 2012-05-09 at 10:44 AM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-06 at 11:06 AM
      Ok I am going post my stuff I have for trade today
      Emo Jeans
      Full Cat
      Full KinzClothes Safari
      Pink Explorer Top
      Inkwell Trophy
      2 Signature PSI

      Hey there, I’m interested in your Full Cat, Safari Pants and Emo jeans. :)
      I have:
      Golden Chariot Bed
      Burger Costume
      Cozy Pink PJ Shirt
      Cozy Pink PJ Pants
      Pink Baby Romper
      Rock Star Torn jeans
      Arctic Ice Spa
      LMK if you see anything.

      I like the chariot bed, burger costume, and i think that’s it… If your added on my main we could work out a trade. =3

      Sounds great! I think I have you added but I’m not sure, what’s your UN? Mine is flowerraelm. I should be on in a few. LMK the next time you’ll be on. :)

    2. #599694


      ChunkyChipper wrote on 2012-05-09 at 10:44 AM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-06 at 11:06 AM
      Ok I am going post my stuff I have for trade today
      Emo Jeans
      Full Cat
      Full KinzClothes Safari
      Pink Explorer Top
      Inkwell Trophy
      2 Signature PSI

      Hey there, I’m interested in your Full Cat, Safari Pants and Emo jeans. :)
      I have:
      Golden Chariot Bed
      Burger Costume
      Cozy Pink PJ Shirt
      Cozy Pink PJ Pants
      Pink Baby Romper
      Rock Star Torn jeans
      Arctic Ice Spa
      LMK if you see anything.

      I like the chariot bed, burger costume, and i think that’s it… If your added on my main we could work out a trade. =3

    3. #599379

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-06 at 11:06 AM

      Ok I am going post my stuff I have for trade today
      Emo Jeans
      Full Cat
      Full KinzClothes Safari
      Pink Explorer Top
      Inkwell Trophy
      2 Signature PSI

      Hey there, I’m interested in your Full Cat, Safari Pants and Emo jeans. :)

      I have:
      Golden Chariot Bed
      Burger Costume
      Cozy Pink PJ Shirt
      Cozy Pink PJ Pants
      Pink Baby Romper
      Rock Star Torn jeans
      Arctic Ice Spa

      LMK if you see anything.

    4. #599378


      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-09 at 01:22 AM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-05-08 at 12:20 PM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-08 at 12:41 AM

      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-05-07 at 02:48 PM

      DeluxeQueen00 wrote on 2012-05-07 at 02:11 PM

      Rofl well what do you need Sonari? I have a lot of random stuff now. =3

      Not sure, I’m really looking for Green Swim and White Ears currently. Um, what else……..I’m always up for a little PSI trading. :p Feel free to LMK, thanks. :) ~WW

      Sorry I don’t have those right now… and the psi I have are probably stashed up somewhere in my house. XD but yeah so if you need anything else that I may have, just post or meet me in Webkinz World! =)

      Okie doke. No problem. Thanks for asking. Is there anything you need? See yah in WW. ~WW

    5. #599367


      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-06 at 11:06 AM

      Ok I am going post my stuff I have for trade today
      Emo Jeans
      Full Cat
      Full KinzClothes Safari
      Pink Explorer Top
      Inkwell Trophy
      2 Signature PSI

      Hey Lostdays! it is emmodd! i like your emo jeans! i have shuts, rock jacket,
      rock boots, designer gown, and more!

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