Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

This topic contains 80 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  lostdays 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #594684

    lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

    I will list the rest in a little while. =)

    Do you still have the Sail Dress?

    1. #596590

      Sorry for the confusion, My sisters news account was loggd in when I posted “Okay I sent the invite. :D”
      Epic fail. d:

    2. #596582

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-05 at 01:55 PM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-05 at 01:43 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-05-05 at 09:36 AM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-05 at 12:46 AM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:39 AM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM
      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      Hey LostDays, I’m interested in the Cap and Emo Jeans.
      I have:
      Dino Slide
      Melody Hat
      Burger Costume
      Purple Lava
      Charm Tiara
      LMK if you need any. :D

      XD sorry i had no idea it posted… My sister came up and told me. I prefer clothing, Melody Hat, Plumpy, and charm are very nice… =)

      Happens to me all the time. :) So what trade did you have in mind? o:

      Well those three I like so I could probably trade the Cap, I don’t know bout the jeans it depends =) My main is banned so add me on 5racoonies… XD We can discuss the trade on there.

      Actually I guess I could do emo jeans if you prefer. =) Totally up to you…

      Okay I sent the invite. :D

    3. #596547


      OhMy: Sure I still have them, I may be trading them though… But tell offer?

      HorseBeans: No thanks… I don’t like toy tool belt since its very difficult to trade thanks though…

    4. #596543


      horsebeans wrote on 2012-05-05 at 01:58 PM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM
      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      hi! do you still have EMO? here is my offer:
      toy tool belt
      pink ears
      and maybe shuts
      by the way toy tool belt is VERY retired it is worth EMO alone so this is a great offer and shuts are only if you need me too add ;)

      also if you would like to see my offer add me on WW my user is: alljam3

      thanks again!


    5. #596540


      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      lostdays – i like your emo jeans. what would you execpt for them, if no one else has claimed them already?

      thank you so much!

      From 0hmy1

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