Trading trading 123 ~mortonhippo~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading trading 123 ~mortonhippo~

This topic contains 103 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AquamarineKatsuma 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #658545


    Ok here goes
    Unstable stable
    Rockerz cat (hold)
    Garnet chair
    Emerald tv (hold)
    Catnip canopy gazebo (hold)
    Strawberry jammin juke box
    Pot of gold pond
    Sea side peli-scope
    Breaching orca whale pond
    Daisy pig bed
    Hippo tub psi
    Estore psi
    Plmk I u want or have anything :) thanks, ~mortonhippo~
    Doggie dive pool
    Spooky pup psi

    1. #660778

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-09-01 at 08:22 AM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-01 at 02:47 AM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-31 at 09:57 PM

      sushiprincess wrote on 2012-08-31 at 05:24 PM
      Morton, can I trade for the slide?

      Um I had to give a lot for the slide and really like it do I’d need a really good offer but u would probably not want to do it here’s an example
      Doggie dive pool,
      Estore points, and
      a sig or estore psi
      I know that’s asking a lot but that’s because I dont really wanna trade it sry, ~mortonhippo~

      Hey morton, you looking for some estore for the slide? i got the estore birthstone emerald tv for it, if you’re interested. JLMK

      Um sry aqua I don’t red that Ruhr now I wasntreally planning on trading the slide…..

      Oh okay morton, that makes total sense, the slide is absolutely amazing… Enjoy it~ :)

    2. #660734

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-31 at 09:57 PM

      sushiprincess wrote on 2012-08-31 at 05:24 PM
      Morton, can I trade for the slide?

      Um I had to give a lot for the slide and really like it do I’d need a really good offer but u would probably not want to do it here’s an example
      Doggie dive pool,
      Estore points, and
      a sig or estore psi
      I know that’s asking a lot but that’s because I dont really wanna trade it sry, ~mortonhippo~

      I can try and get the doggy diving pool, I used to have it but I traded it for a cocoa basket bed. I may be able to get that stuff soon. I really want it for this food room that I am making. I understand if we do not trade it. Do you have a Victorian dress, pretty prom dress, or Egyptian dress?

    3. #660654


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-01 at 02:47 AM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-31 at 09:57 PM

      sushiprincess wrote on 2012-08-31 at 05:24 PM
      Morton, can I trade for the slide?

      Um I had to give a lot for the slide and really like it do I’d need a really good offer but u would probably not want to do it here’s an example
      Doggie dive pool,
      Estore points, and
      a sig or estore psi
      I know that’s asking a lot but that’s because I dont really wanna trade it sry, ~mortonhippo~

      Hey morton, you looking for some estore for the slide? i got the estore birthstone emerald tv for it, if you’re interested. JLMK

      Um sry aqua I don’t red that Ruhr now I wasntreally planning on trading the slide…..

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