Trading, trading and more trading!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading, trading and more trading!!

This topic contains 111 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #640949


    Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-07-31 at 10:02 PM

    You can trade whatever you want here! I’m looking for green swim and plumpy! LMK if you have these!!


    Polka Dot Piano
    Tar Pit Oasis
    Ruby Window

    Spot of Tea Slide
    Muddy Mire
    (I have more, I just forgot lol)

    Lap it up pool
    Batwing chair
    Leafy lounger
    (have more here too, forgetting lol)

    1. #642432


      Here is another short list, I have to go to bed because I have a summer job that starts at 8:30- 1:00 and also 4:00- 7:00.

      Fourtene tellers table
      Buffet fruit juicer
      Playful pot of gold
      Shaggy Yorkie couch
      Ski lodge fireplace
      Rhino truck (retired)
      Cozy waterbed
      Timeless Treasure TV (retired)
      Arctic window

      Dicekinz trophy
      Year 3 trophy
      Croc wading pool
      Golden dragon statue
      Sounds of spring stereo (parent club)
      Dougs signed picture
      Captured criminal chamber

    2. #642428


      Fudgey- Ohh! Well I was kinda close! Lol It has the word cozy In it! Lol anyway I am not sure. Did you want any of the rares? I almost had to get off so I just put up like three things. Do you need silver dress, swan dress or buffet fruit juicer? Lmk!

    3. #642424

      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:35 PM

      Fudgy- I thought the carrot couch was to the lop bunny? Oh well sorry for that, anyway I could add swan dress or something to the table or I could do the estore chair. I also have:
      salon dryer chair
      Greay grill (rare)
      Kings armor (rare)

      wow! it [osted that fast????? i luv internet……
      carrot couch is to angora bunny. lop bunny is cozy lop crop. (type of bed)
      anyway, it’ll take a little more then a rare item to add. do you think….. when you get your handbag thing,
      would you trade both for the swing, with me adding a reg PSI? PLMKSNOL

    4. #642421


      Fudgy- I thought the carrot couch was to the lop bunny? Oh well sorry for that, anyway I could add swan dress or something to the table or I could do the estore chair. I also have:

      salon dryer chair
      Greay grill (rare)
      Kings armor (rare)

    5. #642414

      adama123 wrote on 2012-08-02 at 11:15 PM

      Gold- hmm I really like the window and since the pit is retired would you do it for that? I could also add pet of the month cloud machine or retired valentines roses or year three trophy. Lmk!
      Fudgy- hmm I might get the purse swing soon but for right now the only signature I have are these:
      Fourtune telling table
      Take it easy trough
      Cozy carrot couch
      I also have an estore purple easter egg chair. Lmk if you want to trade!

      i like your fortune telling table. but i’m not sure i’d
      trade my swing for that! candykinz r really popular and rare and they need a super offer for it!
      i’d need more then that…. i don’t know what the other thing is,
      and cozy carrot couch is not SIG. just a cool PSI. and i’m not intrested in your purple easter egg cvhair.
      do you have some other things? PLMKSNOL

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